Chapter Thirteen

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Breaking Bonds


What hurts more

A broken bone or a broken heart?

For Jocelyn it's the destruction of trust. When a person, based upon one misunderstanding, could so easily dissert a friend in times of need. To turn your back and close the walls, to pretend that the blood, sweat, and tears shared don't matter.

For Jocelyn, what hurts most, is a broken bond.

In the darkness of the ashen night, with a billion stars both exploded and alive, in the serendipity of duality that is our common existence, lies both futility and everlasting hope, the way of immortals.

When night falls, look up and be willing to check if the stars are still shining, because the day will come, and a new narrative will begin. A new chance, a new beginning, a fresh start has been offered to us in order to change our fate.

Jason uses this moment of optimism and dreams to sabotage Jocelyn's tidy warehouse. He took it as his own, just as Tim claimed the flat and Dick claimed the café. This was his treasure, a sanctuary Jocelyn had made for herself and openly shared with him and only him. He and Whiskey, that is.

He sat in the dark, his back hurting from incorrect posture and his head throbbing with a dull ache. He'd spent days and nights awake, wrestling with ideas and subtle fancies, attempting to make sense of his confused subconsciousness.

A fruitless attempt to comprehend his feelings for Jocelyn He'd been struck by a cupid's arrow ever since she saved his life, the first one to do so without ulterior motives.

He didn't want to like Jocelyn, he wanted a friend, and frankly, he was keen on not running that friendship. He also never intended to see the girl with the pink-tinted glasses. But as the days and weeks passed, he became engrossed in her glittering gaze and craved her soothing touch.

He pictured her hands weaving through his hair, gliding down his arms, and tracing the veins along his skin. She would count each scar, tenderly kissing it as he told her how he acquired it. He was proud that his trials and tribulations made him stronger and powerful enough to defend her and keep her at his side.

But she'd go too soon for him to be content. He'd never be pleased until he claimed her as his own. He wouldn't mind sharing if it came to it. It was clear that the others were fascinated as well. But to what extent?

If it meant that she would be secure and happy, he would accept his rivals as equals. Just because there were more than one, doesn't mean she wouldn't fall in love with one of them... right?

Jason shook his head and moved onto his back, bending his knees over the side of the couch and rubbing his stomach. He traced the shape of his muscles, the rectus abdominis being hard and bulging like a creampuff. Jason has always been proud of his physique, claiming that he has the biggest muscular mass among the Robins without seeming broad in the midsection. His waist is soft enough for Jocelyn to press her hands against, yet firm enough for her to flush with need.

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