Chapter Nineteen

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Forgive & Forget


Bruce wasn't too happy to learn about the sneaky visitor Jocelyn had. Alfred had awoken to his butler's senses tingling and stormed the kitchen brandishing a decorative sword. Talia, being an empath, sensed the hostility and kissed Damian on the cheek before throwing herself out the open window. Making a timely exit under Alfred's minimal threat level

Damian and Jocelyn were gone, and Alfred decided to put both Damian and Jocelyn on house arrest. They didn't take it too well, and Damian threw a tantrum until he was locked away with Jocelyn. Jocelyn was old enough to have given birth to ten generations or more, but she was still grounded!

"Bruce didn't give specific orders when he called, it's not Talia's fault," they both defended.

Damian didn't want Bruce to distrust Talia any further. Jocelyn was enjoying the woman's company and found it wrong that Talia was shooed away like some pest. Though the alien didn't know the full story of the rocky relationship, she found it ridiculous that a mother had to sneak around to check on her distressed child.

Jason and Dick had laughed upon being called to the mansion. Alfred and Bruce wanted the two oldest to be on their side and reprimand the troublemakers for going against house rules. The biggest being "no outsiders," Jocelyn being the exception.

But that didn't work. Jason and Dick wanted to remain neutral. But that also didn't work. Bruce argued that it was his house and they should respect his rules. That's fair. Jocelyn did overstep by allowing Talia to remain inside.

Bruce also said that Jocelyn was a bad influence on the family since she clashed with authorities. That wasn't very wise. Unfavorable influence? Bruce is the one who talks about not murdering people while beating them to the point of death with fatal injuries. Torture and maiming are OK, but a late-night food party is not.

Jason and Dick took seats in the "Time-out" room. Three of Bruce's children gave him the cold shoulder and rejected him. He planned to get rid of them by closing the kitchen and not letting them out till they grew up.

Alfred assisted in tying a rucksack on Whiskey's back, the bag containing goodies. The big cat had no trouble climbing the adjacent trees and jumping into the open window. Whiskey had no qualms about her employment and was overjoyed with the treats she received.

The cat, on the other hand, was less than thrilled to see her owner again. Whiskey shrieked and Jocelyn was terrified as they made their first eye contact. The three guys had to restrain the cat so Jocelyn wouldn't acquire any more scars.

They squandered nearly three days by playing card games and then arguing over those card games. Jocelyn won every game despite not knowing the rules, and the lads made a scene and tried to gang up on her.

Alfred was relieved that everything was going so smoothly, but he was concerned about Bruce. The lord of the home was becoming increasingly chilly by the day. He honestly felt he was losing his family and would be replaced by an extraterrestrial they had barely known for a year.

It was difficult for him. He was aware that his family adored him and that he would not be forgotten. But there was something about this act of defiance that made him ponder. Was he being too harsh? Were his aspirations of devotion and dictatorship unrealistic? Did they regard Jocelyn as a symbol of liberty while he was imprisoned as a symbol of complete obedience?

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