Chapter Eight

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Red vs Blue


The dance floor became little more than a phantasm of the mind. Massive crowds pressed up against the walls. Sweat and body glitter spread like a contagious disease of glistening glory. The incomprehensible music, shouting, and contagious grins wash away the worldly worries and fears of tomorrow. Nobody is lonely at the club; they're either mixing with friends and possible bedmates, or their minds are hallucinating fantastical words.

Jocelyn and Jason sat at a booth in a section of the club that was elevated above the swaying pandemonium. The music is hazy, and although it is loud, it appears to be focused on hypnotizing the inebriated swarm. Between the two was a pricey bottle of cognac from the bar's top shelf.

A sweet, spicy, fruity blend of bitterness blooms on their tongue and then washes down their throat. Glasses sloshing in their hands, the small chip of ice inside melted into water and revealed a stronger flavor within. The bottle's content had already been half-emptied as they sipped tentatively in unison.

To allay his fears and potential hostility, Jocelyn revealed her true identity to the male once they had settled on Chinese. Jason found an uncharacteristic comfort in the girl's admittance; how she offered a hand of peace by exposing her secret in exchange for his.

In the privacy of the warehouse, the two exchanged questions and answers back and forth about their lives. Jason was fascinated with the future society and how Jocelyn was quick-witted enough to easily adapt to the timeline of Earth. Jocelyn was equally as amused when Jason shared thrill-seeking stories about his occupation as a delinquent hero.

Both complied with the other's curiosity, but not to the point of divulging vital information. Jason didn't reveal who his teammates were, and Jocelyn refused to explain just how long she had spent staring at him when he was naked and unconscious.

They got bored of the quiet emptiness of the warehouse, and Jason invited the alien to a night out in Gotham. He promised to show her what it was like to live free on Earth, and the girl took his offer with a smile and linked arm. Their mutual agreement to keep things public was appropriate, meaning no discussion of their secret lives, but that quickly came to an end when the fourth bottle of vodka trickled into their systems like IV drips.

Jocelyn is proud of her high alcohol tolerance, as is Jason, but on an empty stomach and with a lack of sleep, the two fell short of their traditional standards. It was at this point that they began to relax their defenses and greet each other as if they were old friends.

"So you DIED, came back to life, and showed up in front of him, and he doesn't have the guts to be happy or relieved? What a fucking ass," the blue-haired girl jerked her glass. Her tall and alluring figure was hunched over the booth table, and the rich red of her low-cut shirt drew Jason's attention. His eyes trailed down the low scoop, past the bulging mounds of her breasts, and down the sides of her waist dip and hip bulge. Blue hair spirals down in a cooling contrast to the fiery shade.

Should have shaved his balls," Jocelyn hiccuped and munched on a handful of roasted peanuts. The salty taste satisfied her grumbling stomach.

Jason breathed out a throaty chuckle, his ruddy lips drawn back in a charming smirk. In the dark lighting, green eyes sparkled like foamy waves, and the sweet flavor of the drink tainted his breath. Jocelyn closed her eyes and inhaled the delicious fragrance.

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