Chapter Twenty-Two

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A/N: Hey everyone, thanks for continuing to read this mess of a book. Just wanted to let y'all know that due to an upcoming funeral the next 6 chapters will basically be fillers that explore the friendship of the group. Got to make things nice and fluffy before the angst comes in. 


To Hot 2 Handle


Unobscured light arrives as woven strands, free and united, flowing into a day it reveals and solidifies, transforming the world of our nightly dreams into something so lovely.

Summer sunrise cast an orange glow across the sky as if it were all one enormous star. The hot weather stokes the internal fire, throwing it into overdrive. The hot weather becomes a more subtle song later in the day, still up-tempo but smoother and more of a lullaby than blaring rock and roll.

Today, the sun is in our bones, spreading heat out into the brilliant day. On these summer days, it's as though the people shine, their aura so cheerful. Jocelyn lies down in the shade, her gaze fixed on the greenery above, on each green leaf in the enormous canopy.

The grasses appear to have flowered with pure sunshine blossoms in the honeyed light of dusk. The sun gives her skin a jolt of delight, which her emotions interpret into a bright new grin. Soaking in the warmth, trying to give her dreadfully pale complexion a healthy shine.

Each tree is a work of art, and each wand of grass is something magical. And here is our reality, our typical everyday world, the present that we may wonder at or disregard with each rising of the sun; the option is ours, and it has always been.

Today's sunshine created the most dazzling mosaics, refracting off every leaf and wisp of cloud. It seemed as if the light was overjoyed to be able to make beauty where it shined, warm and steady. It was like the smiles of friends, or fresh rain after a hot summer day, something to quench and comfort at the same time.

Jocelyn felt at ease as the sun's rays streamed through the leaves above, dazzling streams illuminating every crevice. The vivid traces of spring hue flashed its emerald melody where the light struck the woodland floor. The sunlight had an ethereal elegance to it as if a layer of colored filtering had been added to the sky. Everything was in honeyed tones, which were lovely and peaceful.

Jocelyn traced her fingers across the air with her hand. It was almost as if the light itself was golden honey, flowing in slow, elegant swirls. She returned to her pastime activity after a lengthy period of loving the scorching air.

Tim observed her reclining in the dappled light, a book resting on her raised knees, eyes following the words as if it were a lover's sweet call. His feet had carried him beneath that same tree before he could decide what to do; perhaps they yearned to feel the coolness of the grass around him. And as she reads, he fantasizes about a world where they are the only ones dancing among the swaying grass. The hearts were entwined like tree roots.

But the narrative prevents their love from blossoming, so he chooses to sit next to her and offer her a sip from his cool bottle of water. Maybe he'll have better luck in the next book.

"Thank you, love," she hummed, reaching out and taking the bottle from him, her fingers brushing against his knuckles. It slides between her fingers, moisture making it difficult to maintain in her grip.

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