Chapter Ten

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Eat the Rich


Once the air turns fresh and calm, the hour of joyous reflection has arrived as darkness casts her dusky garment. The accomplishments of the day are a type of self-esteem that warms the spirit and gives a sensation of contentment. After the day's labor, the evening is a time to reward oneself by enjoying simple pleasures and preparing oneself for the realm of dreams.

In the sky, there is a bright white spot at the edge of the hazy clouds, like a turning page catching the sun. The rest is a dove grey with slight purple and orange undertones, just enough to signal the approaching sunset. It is forgotten in all its glory by the souls below, set aside for the splendor of the occurrences within the Wayne Mansion.

The mansion is tucked away in the woods. It was engulfed by the surrounding landscape, as though the vegetation flowed both within and around it. A massive oak, centuries-old, stood like a beacon in the center of the yard, and the beautiful home was built in front of it, the tops of its branches visible from the entry. A fortified fortress tucked away from prying eyes.

Despite this, it did not appear lonely or misplaced. Rather, its granite walls belonged exactly where they were as if they had sprung up from that hallowed land by coincidence. It seemed to have been summoned to protect those who came to live within, to keep the elements at bay, and to allow heat to develop from hearths into the breathed wood air. A safe haven for the secrets hidden within its walls.

Many people in the throng below felt the same way. Their whispered murmurs and wide-eyed stares conveyed a variety of emotions. Jealousy, mockery, envy, surprise, exasperation, and amazement. They buzz like bees in a hive.

This crowd is a piece of art, the most uncommon you will ever see, since this moment, viewed by thousands of eyes behind their screens at home, is one of a kind. As the attendees of tonight's gala make their way through the enormous iron gates and into the grand entryway, it will be broadcast to the whole city of Gotham and beyond. Glittering and captivating the audience with their opulent attire and aura of the aristocracy.

Lines of security map a track to the ballroom, deterring any stray eyes from gallivanting deeper into the mansion. As the guests make their way into the ballroom, warm yellow lights from the grand crystalline chandelier draw their eyes to the high-arching roof. The marble Corinthian pillars with their feathering leaf-like designs made a cool contrast to the golden brown tiles of the floor. The mix of cold and warm colors creates a soft background.

Decorations were kept simple. A long buffet table curved around one corner of the room, circular tables with floral arrangements busied the middle, and a stage with classical musicians was paired with an open space for dancing and mingling.

The staff, distinguished by their black masquerade masks, stood at attention around the room. Trays of hors d'oeuvres, drinks, and napkins for hygiene were piled on splendid silver trays, nestled within their trained hands. Their clean-cut appearance put a smile on the faces of the participants.

"Oh my, everything is so well displayed and pretty."

"Bruce Wayne has truly outdone himself once again."

"I, for one, think he went too simple on the décor."

"Oh hush, this is a charity event, not a debutante ball."

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