Chapter Twenty-Three

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A/N: The conversation I had with my dad while driving to the funeral because I was still writing chapters.

Dad - "Don't you have motion sickness?"

Me - "I do but I really need to finish this chapter"

Dad - "Can't your viewers wait a few days?"

Me - "Noooo I love them too much"

Dad - "How many views ya got?"

Me - "6K!"

Dad - "That's great sweetie, don't forget to thank them"

Thank you all for 6.3K views!


Movie Night


Evening comes to the city in the stillness of deepening blue, always illuminated, always awake, always with a pulsating heart. For a little instant, neither short nor long, time stops. At that moment, the birds stop singing and the breeze holds their breath.

Then there's a big explosion.

Oranges and pinks bleed, and a brilliant gold dissolves from the sky and hardens into beautiful stripes. The sunset seemed like a graffitied rainbow-flame over the twilight sky.

The heat of a summer day was drawn up like a hefty rope. The skies absorb the heat and store it in the sun's fading rays. Locked away in the darkness till the new day arrives to set it free.

When the last rays of the sun kiss the heathland, when the greens and purples fade into grey under the rising moon, the sparkling pearls of the evening sit as though cushioned on pure black velvet.

When the lake reflects the full moon and the trees have concealed their vibrant greens, it's time to enter the shadowless realm. The automobiles on the highway continue to drone, a never-ending stream of white and red lights, yet the thicket of trees rustles and a faint murmur of life awakens.

The trees form bizarre silhouettes against a suddenly silver sky, their blue tinge nearly completely gone till morning. Their branches swing in the breeze, creaking in the brisk air. The first sounds of nighttime wildlife are heard: an owl hooting and a rabbit taking refuge in the hedgerow.

It was the promise of life in the midst of the darkness, a sensation of warmth emerging from the cold. It was a vastness that brought humility and an everlasting space that brought thankfulness for the comforts of home.

Like sugar splattered on black marble, shimmering in the sunlight. The night sky was a welcome sight, emerging as if by magic at each sunset and promising to return as she faded in the first light of day.

During the day, under blue skies, Jocelyn would think about those faraway stars and how one day they'd glide near enough to Earth for her to hitch a ride home.

But each time, the shadows melted into the darkness. No stars came to her help, and she was forced to continue the cycle of hope. A futile attempt to keep her spirits up.

On this particular night, Jocelyn was dozing in her bed. She was curled up on her side, her back to the window. Her eyes dropped in despair as she watched the sky change colours.

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