Chapter twenty

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It was hot.

It's really freaking hot.

Gotham's cement playground of buildings and structures drew the moisture out of the air, leaving the sky steamy and burning. Heatwaves swept across the horizon, setting a summer day in motion.

The sky was a brilliant blue. The type of blue appeared to be as pristine and flawless as marble. However, darkness was approaching the metropolis behind the never-ending motion of searing sorrow. A foreseen indication of change had the leaves of trees trembling with excitement.

Soon came the rain.

In those sun-warmed blessed drops, the petals of each garden bloom began to open. It was as if before, in the bud, they had been hands in prayer only to broaden in confidence as they heard their prayer answered. And so the birds chirped a song in the summer rain, thankful that it had come at long last.

Smothered by the tears of the heavens, the heat was doused and settled to a lukewarm temperature. Still noticeable but quenchable. The sky was turned from its sea of blue to a murky plumage of grey. It was as though a giant glass of foggy paint water had been spilled and soaked up by the sky.

Jocelyn never liked the heat.

It was hot and sticky and left patches of sweat on her clothes.

Yllora was split into different continents that always had a set temperature.

No unpredictable rain, no humidity, no hazardous winds. If you liked winter, you went to the winter continents. Alternatively, if you liked spring, then the farming districts were always lovely to visit. Besides, their technology was strong enough that every room had a climate control system that could be custom set.

Not even ten minutes ago, she was standing in front of a fan, shirt off and titties out. Sure, the mansion had recently installed air conditioning, but that was in the main rooms. Her room had yet to be remodeled. Thus, she resorted to exposing measures.

But now the weather had changed and the old walls were hollow and began to chill with the heavy fall of water. The slanted roofs cast water down into buckets, sloshing against the carved stone walls, and the windows looked like warbling mirrors into another world.

Not wanting to freeze, she quickly covered her bodice with a tank top and paired her basketball shorts with some athletic socks. She liked how a shiver ran down her spine. With the cold, you can do things such as exercise, add layers, eat warm food, or cuddle with someone.

In the heat, you can't do shit without having to actually move. Stripping gets you on the sex offenders register for indecent exposure, and swimming makes you all pruney. It's an exhausting cycle that you can't argue with the author. She hates the heat, and so should you.

Leaving her room Whiskey was hot on her trail. The cat was reluctant to leave her side. After everything that happened, the feline now acted like her bodyguard, refusing to keep a distance lest her owner disappears again. That, or Jocelyn can bribe her with treats.

Damian had been annoyed at the cat's change of interest and was reluctant to give Jocelyn back all of Whiskey's toys and equipment. Damian had bonded with the fluffy cat and loved to let her sleep on his bed, where he would coo at her and cuddle her endlessly. Now the cat couldn't care less about him and held a sour grudge against Jocelyn.

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