Chapter Fifteen

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Comforting Embrace


The rain had slowed to a gentle trickle. Pitter patter splattering on glass and stone. Jocelyn trembled as the chill penetrated her bones. Red glows to her mournful eyes. She needed something to make her feel alive, awake in this world that seeks to make her feel isolated.

But what she really needed was to get up and walk into her house, cleanse her skin of nature's tears, and warm herself with herbal tea.

But she didn't want to, so she didn't. Her legs were splayed out and her arms were limp at her sides as she sat. It felt oddly peaceful as she felt every pore in her body raise in goosebumps. Maybe if she lingered in the cold long enough, ignoring her chattering teeth and heavy breath...maybe she might surrender to her death and discover whether this was all a dream.

Knock Knock

As bone struck on solid wood, the sound reverberated. Her fingers twitched in time with the sound of the balcony floor. It came once again, a loud beat supposed to be enjoyable, tapping and rapping out a song.

She attempted to imitate, but she missed the rhythm and scratched her knuckles raw against the stone. The split in her flesh expanded with red and poured down her fingers. She sneered, her lips pursed and her eyes squinted in irritation.

It stings

Knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock Knock knock

"Yo homegirl, open up," her ears perked up at the sound, her head tilted against her shoulder to gaze at the door. The knob trembled and rattled, but the lock was secure. A frustrated curse, a quick kick, and a wounded cry were heard. Jason eventually gave up and proceeded to bring out his spare key card that he stole.

It beeped and the door creaked open with a sliding of the card. He placed the key away, picked up his duffel bag, and removed his shoes, satisfied. His special fluffy slippers were virtually waiting for him, and he strode up the hallway and closed the door with a flourish.

"Honey, I'm home," he said in a sing-song tone. As he gazed about the flat, his pleasant smile began to fade. Clothes were strewn around, trash was stacked up, pillows were collapsed in half, and dishes were piling up on the kitchen island.

He was coughing and waving at his face due to the harsh odour of perspiration and dust. Jason was ecstatic because he had finally escaped the eyes of his family and bolted for Jocelyn's apartment to see how she was doing. He had brought a collection of clothes with him so that he could stay a few days with her, until they could sort out how to amend all the mess that was created.

He even took a shower, shaved, put on some cologne, and groomed his hair. Jocelyn hadn't been seen in person in about two weeks. It made him feel lonely. He could now spend hours and hours soaking in her company and relishing her aroma and touch.

Nonetheless, it appeared as though a tornado had erupted. That or Whiskey got high on catnip and wrecked the premises. He was leaning towards the latter. Jocelyn would never allow her home to get disorganised. It was unusual for her to be so careless with her hygiene. When it came to bugs and pathogens, she was a freak. Unless she was dying he doubted it was her fault.

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