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One year had passed since the Drom were defeated. This also meant that it was the one-year anniversary of Jocelyn's death. Her body was returned to her planet by her people, but the Wayne's still held a small memorial in her honor. Her resting place on Earth is found on a small hill overlooking Gotham.

The Alliance Against Drom that she created mourned her death for little more than a day before moving on. They knew her as a soldier with a bright smile and a sparkling fist, but they didn't know her well enough to feel grievance.

The Wayne family struggled. Each hour of every day was long and harrowing. filled with ghostly images of smiles and voices, In the depth of the night, they would awaken from a nightmare that was stuck on a loop.

Losing her was like losing the sun or moon. You see it every day and forget its absence because you never think that it'll truly disappear. So when it does, it leaves a void that breaks reality.

twisting the past and throwing a grey film over everything and everyone. Their vision is blurry with unshed tears as a strong pang of pain swelters in a missing hole in their hearts. A dark denial sets in that refuses to wain.

Even the mightiest of trees fall in the harshest of storms, and even the bravest of soldiers must lay their wounded bodies to rest. In finally slaying the figure of her deepest regrets, she could finally find peace.

She had single-handedly killed one of the greatest enemies of her people. This is the first step towards finally defeating the Drom. Though she wouldn't be there to witness their fall, undoubtedly her sacrifice would motivate the masses towards victory.

As days turned to weeks and then extended to months, the stages of grief had stopped before the final form of acceptance. There were traces of her everywhere, and no matter how much they tried to remain strong, they were only human.

Each member found their own way to the co-op and soon they returned to their respective lives. Bruce and Tim worked together to further the success of Wayne Enterprises. Dick worked a plethora of jobs, from private detective to aerobics instructor.

Jason did his own thing, mainly upholding his image as Red Hood. His development from a ruthless brute returned, and the man cast a heavy fist against those who crossed his path. Damian turned eighteen and went to train with his maternal family for several months. Oddly, both the father and daughter Al Ghul were more lenient and gentle towards the boy.

They all grew, but not enough. How could one continue to live their life in a normal stride without yearning for the things their hearts haven't forgotten? Jocelyn may have been strange, but she was strange in all the most wonderful and spectacular of ways.

She taught them how to love and embrace all aspects of themselves, even the things they deemed to be imperfect and weak. She loved them for who they were, not who they wanted people to think they were.

And they would always love her. If they were ever to get a second chance, they vowed to never let her leave their side. even if it meant locking her away from the outside world. She had proven to be too fragile to protect herself, so now it would be their turn to protect her.

It's fortunate for them that death was never truly THE END of Jocelyn.

I guess that means their happily ever after will just have to continue in the next book.




This had been my first time writing and posting a book online so honestly, this was a learning experience. I know there are spelling and grammar errors as well as plot holes that I should go fix. Frankly, I can't be bothered because I'm lazy and Uni is starting soon but I've already got half of them ready so I might as well commit to the process.


There will be a second book. That one won't have any angst and will focus fully on their relationship. Before y'all start speculating on whether or not Jocelyn is dead. She's dead, her body is destroyed and THAT body ain't coming back.

But it will still be Jocelyn paired with Damian, Tim, Bruce, Jason, and Dick. 

Confused? Don't worry it'll be explained in the next book. It won't be ready for another month of two since, as I mentioned, school for me is starting soon and I'm stressed AF because of COVID and shit. Plus I'm now working two jobs every day so that I don't need to get a student loan (already paid my first full year of tuition!!!!).

I hope you all enjoyed this book and that I will see you all again when I return. Until then I hope that you all stay safe and happy. Let me know your honest thoughts on this book as I am looking to improve the story whenever I get the chance!

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