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Right after dropping Dahyun off by the daycare, he hurriedly drove downtown in which he decided to skip class once again just to hang out with his boys. They had this small meeting place at his friend Taehyung's apartment where all of their sportscars are being kept and taken care of since him and his cousin Namjoon are professional racers and mechanics.

"Ah, took you long enough to be here" Tae clicked his tongue playfully at Jimin who just parked his BMW sedan on the parking spot.

"My bad, I dropped Dahyun off at her daycare and it was helluva traffic towards south." Jimin ran his hand through his hair, removing also his jacket right after.

"I thought you got a new babysitter to take care of her?" Tae asked.

"Well, Mom told me she's still waiting for her stupid drivers license card to be shipped here in Seoul so it might take her a few weeks to get it." Jimin groaned.

"Oh I forgot she's from Jeju!" Tae chimed but turned into a playful smirk, "Is she hot though?"

Jimin's eyes snapped towards him with his furrowed brows and a sharp glare. He didn't want to curse at his friend too early in the morning so he just rolled his eyes and whacked the wet towel on Tae's face.

"Y-Yah! That hurts!"

"Stop spitting nonsense if you don't want another towel to get smacked on your face." Jimin grinned.

He went inside Tae's kitchen to grab a can of beer and his smile faded right away.

There's something about her that makes her extra irritating. Something about her that makes him want to storm out of the house and never see her again. Everything about her existence is annoying to Jimin, it's making him uncomfortable and he doesn't like it one bit. He harshly opened the can and took huge gulps.

"Jesus, Jimin. I haven't seen you gulped a can of beer within seconds ever since that night Seulgi broke up with you." Namjoon smirked by the kitchen counter while Jimin glared at him.

"You and Tae can be so annoying sometimes you know?" He chuckled darkly.

"I guess it's our specialty." Namjoon shrugged, "Anyway, there's an upcoming race this Saturday, you should definitely come."

"Mhm. Is the ass-hat Hanbin and his goons going to be there?"

"Hell yeah, so you really have to go, man. I should probably contact Jin-hyung, Yoongi-hyung, and Hoseok to come on Saturday." Namjoon fished his phone from his pocket right after he told him.

Jimin thought about it for a long time before he gulps a few more rounds of his beer, throwing it in their trash bin effortlessly. He grabbed another beer from their fridge once again and takes huge gulps, he wanted to at least keep his mind off of some necessary things that kept him distracted ever since last night's encounter with Jeongyeon. He growled to himself, slamming the beer on the kitchen counter with a loud bang.



"Look, unnie! Here's her own rainbow unicorn, you can use this reach the palace!" Dahyun gave her a small, rainbow coloured pony and Jeongyeon happily accepted it.

"Oh, Miss Dahyun, I'm going to prepare your dinner now, okay? Don't forget to pick up your toys as soon as I get back here." Jeongyeon said.

"Awww! Can I please have five minutes more?" She pouted cutely in which Jeongyeon resisted.

"We can continue tomorrow evening, okay love?" Jeongyeon kissed the young girl's temples and Dahyun just nodded in defeat.

Right after Mrs. Min and Jeongyeon set the table, everyone gathered by the dining table to eat including Jimin surprisingly. Jeongyeon was about to walk upstairs to fix Dahyun's bed until Mrs. Park called out for her,

"Jeongyeon-ah! Come join us for dinner!" She smiled.

She was about to refuse but Mrs. Min motioned her to join them. She reluctantly took a seat between Dahyun and her brother, Jimin who's shooting daggers at her direction. She didn't want to join them in the first place anyway, it makes her feel awkward. Hoping that she's not much of a burden — and that also includes Jimin's unwelcome glances.

"You've been doing a great job so far, Jeongyeon." Mr. Park beamed with delight, "I have to say, you should probably look around Seoul in the next few days so you can familiarize yourself more of your surroundings!"

"I absolutely agree with that!" Mrs. Park smiled, "I think Jimin should tour you around."

Jeongyeon felt tensed on her seat while Jimin's jaw is clenched, looking down on his plate angrily like the porkchop and veggies did something to him. Jeongyeon didn't want to keep this conversation any longer so she shook her head right away yet Jimin slammed his utensil loudly,

"Are you fucking serious? I'm busy with a lot of things and now you want me to babysit four eyes around the city?" He harshly commented.

"First of all, watch your language, young man." Mr. Park narrowed his eyes on his son who doesn't give a shit about on what he's saying, "and second, I think Jeongyeon deserves to feel welcome here on her first day, don't you think?"

Jimin just rolled his eyes all over this whole stuff and Jeongyeon just cleared her throat to ease the tension, "It's okay, Mr. Park. I can handle myself in going out there. I'll make sure to be extra cautious."

Jeongyeon glared at Jimin's direction where he's glaring right back at her too. He was making her feel bad in a lot of things and she doesn't like it at all. So right after dinner, they went back to their respective places and Mrs. Min urged Jeongyeon to not do the dishes today.

"I think you should talk to Jimin more and get to know him." Mrs. Min whispered, Jeongyeon gave out a weird look.

"Do you want me to get killed in no time? That dude got some serious issues."

"Aish, trust me. Once he gets to open up to you, he'll be the most wonderful person you'll ever see!"

'Jesus christ, what a revelation.' Jeongyeon thought on the ridiculous idea Mrs. Min had been telling her.

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