twenty nine.

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Dear Diary,

Things have changed a lot since then. Jimin and I have been dating for six months already and Mrs. Park decided to sponsor my stay in Seoul a bit longer (or probably forever just like Mrs. Min said). I received a scholarship from the same university Jimin is currently attending at. Jimin was trying to suggest that we should have our own dorms as soon as school starts in a month and a half. Mrs. Park is still thinking about it since she doesn't like the idea of Jimin being away from home and Dahyun getting sad of the thought of me being away for so long. I really love this family a lot. They've shown me nothing but support, love, and endless care. I started to think of them as my own family and Jimin being the best lover I've ever had. I remember Mrs. Min tearing up when she heard about us dating, can't wait to see her reaction when the engagement comes next time. I don't have much plans on the holidays but I do have a special date with Jimin today as we're about to head out to the local carnival once again. May we have lots of prizes to win and turkey legs to eat!

"Oh shit, I'm 10 minutes late—!" Jeongyeon hurriedly slammed the diary book and grabbed her purse where she jogged downstairs.

"Are you heading out already, Jeongyeon-ah?!" Mrs. Min called from the kitchen as she's putting the chocolate pudding inside the fridge.

It's Christmas Eve so the humungous christmas tree filled with gold and red decorations is standing tall in the middle of the living room. Multiple presents are stacked underneath the christmas tree while the stockings are hanging by the fire furnace.

"Yup! We'll be home before dinner!" She called out.

"I'm sorry did I make you wait for too long?" Jeongyeon slid the seatbelt across her body.

"I'm used to your late arrivals so don't worry too much about it." He chuckled. "And besides, you don't have to worry too much. You look too gorgeous to be worrying about it."

"Oh stop it with the compliments!" Jeongyeon laughed before pecking him softly on the lips.

"All set to go, my love?" Jimin said, revving up his engine.

"As long as you're using your winter tires then we're good." Jimin laughed at her words.

"Then we're good to go!"


The snow flurries softly falls from the light grey skies, covering the winter village looking carnival like a white blanket of freshly fallen snow. Beautiful christmas lights lit up the event, hundreds of other people attended, seeing their happy faces while being with their families and loved ones.

They were having a small dinner at this restaurant patio, with a patio heater beside them and two cups of hot chocolate for a drink. A small hand crept onto hers and she looked at Jimin who's sitting in front of her with a sweet, soft smile on his face.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"Oh... Was I dazing off?" She smiled shyly at him.

"Kind of. But you have that happy look on your face so I don't have to worry much." Jimin said, putting his hand over on hers while gently rubbing it.

"I was pretty much by myself when I spent my holidays three years ago." Jeongyeon said with a slight tint of sadness. "But now that I have you, Dahyun, Mr. & Mrs. Park, Jihyo, the boys, and Mrs. Min. I wouldn't trade you all for the world."

Jimin couldn't help but grin on her words. She's a very thoughtful person herself, and being with her on that very moment is heaven-sent for him. "We are all very lucky to have you in our lives, baby."

She held his hand back lovingly, softly kissing it, "Thank you, my love. Now, I don't wanna get too mushy and cry. The fireworks show is scheduled in 5 mins so we should head there now!"

(My heart is not ready for this shit but play this on the background)

The night is getting close as soon as they arrived at the main square. There were tons of people gathered already, and to their dismay, they couldn't see much from all of the people standing in front. So Jimin carefully led Jeongyeon out of the crowd and into the front where there are lesser people.

It was getting colder so Jeongyeon wrapped her scarf around her neck and Jimin putting her hand inside his pocket for extra insulation. And long last, beautiful fireworks with vast-variety of colors are dancing across the dark winter skies. Jimin didn't realize that Jeongyeon's been staring at him while he watches the fireworks in awe. He suddenly looked back at her curiously and stared back, it was just as if it was the two of them alone in this world full of confusion and deceit.

She suddenly held out a small mistletoe from her pocket, putting it between their faces. Jimin's eyes widened before chuckling loudly at his girlfriend's gestures. She wiggled her brows mischeviously before pulling him into a deep kiss. He tilted his head to the side to make it deeper, before she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her. The special kiss underneath the winter snow, his loving stare onto hers and hers onto his, and their hearts burning with passion despite the cold air surrounding them.

Just one day, if I could be together with you
Just one day, if I could hold hands with you
Just one day, if I could be together with you
Just one day
If I could be together with you.

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Author's Note:

Thank you very much to everyone who supported this book, I would like to send my social distanced warm hugs and kisses and by dedicating this last chapter to each and every one of you. There will be another extra chapter right after this page and I'll be updating it very soon! Please continue to support me with the next works that I'm going to publish including another JeongMin (Fantasy/Historical Fiction) and a Suga FF (Historial Fiction). I'm still planning on the new JeongMin book but the Suga FF will be coming out this December. Once again, thank you very much and I love you all.

Sincerely, Yours ♡ p.j.m & y.j.yWhere stories live. Discover now