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While taking a small chew of the lava cake they ordered for tonight's dinner dessert, a hand slowly crept onto Jeongyeon's thigh, rubbing her skin softly and sensually. It made her jolt a bit knowing whose hands was it and she quickly took a sharp pinch on his hand, making him jerk it away from her thigh.

Jimin didn't seem to mind the pain but he leaned to her ear, giving her enough goosebumps through her arm. "You look beautiful in that dress." He whispered.

"Thanks, but that doesn't give you my permission to touch my thigh." Jeongyeon gritted her teeth as she leaned to him too.

"You're loving it though." His voice was husky, and deep, she knew what she's getting into and she started to have that love and hate feeling towards his teasing.

"I don't. And if you put your hand on my thigh again, you will see how fast that bread knife gets into your skin—"

"Is everything okay, kids?"

The both of them snapped towards Mr. Park's direction. They didn't notice how close they are with their shoulders touching, and Jeongyeon's face just a millimeter away from getting touched by Jimin's cheek. They look like a couple from afar. She shifted on her seat uncomfortably, getting away from him.

"Yeah, everything's great." Jimin replied with a sweet, innocent smile, "The cake is really delicious."

"I'm glad you're liking it." Mrs. Park smiled at her son.

Jimin turned his head to the beautiful lady beside him, sticking a spoonful of cake inside his mouth, making sure that every single chocolate mousse aren't left on the spoon. Jeongyeon gulped involuntarily, clenching on the spoon she's holding at the moment, knowing Jimin's seductively trying to lure her into his little game,

"So good I wanna eat it all night long."


"This is bad."

Jeongyeon paced around the room restlessly wearing her white oversized shirt, shorts, a pair of fluffy slippers, and her short blonde hair groomed neatly with a white checkered headband. The whole family went to their respective rooms, getting ready for bed and Jeongyeon's still restless in her room, trying to calm her heart down.

"That dude is seriously winning this game and I won't let him!" She huffed and groaned.

She decided to calm herself down for a bit after her heart is troubling her so much, but it started to trouble her once more when she heard a small knock on her door. She froze on her spot for a quick second til she thought that it must be Mrs. Park so she went to the door without any hesitations but to her dismay, it was Jimin standing right infront of her.

Her eyes widened a bit and before she could say anything, he held up a bottle of white wine.

"Wanna have a drink with me?"

"And why would I do that?" Jeongyeon crossed her arms across her chest.

"I just wanted to say sorry from earlier. It was a bit of a dick move so I thought I might bring a peace offering, you know?" He casually scratched the back of his head without looking at her.

Jeongyeon stayed quiet for a small moment, thinking he didn't mean it but she opened the door for him to get in.

"I'm gonna find out right away if you're planning on doing something stupid." She threatened.

Jimin waved his hand above his head in surrender, "Cross my heart, hope to die."

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes playfully at him, setting up the small table and two chairs by the balcony overlooking the beach and the beautiful night sky filled with trillion of stars dancing through the horizon.

Jimin placed the wine glasses and the bottle of wine on the table and took a seat infront of Jeongyeon who took her seat as well when she saw him.

There was just a small moment of silence and the sound of wine being poured into her glass, Jeongyeon cleared her throat to start the conversation,

"So what really prompted you to go here 11pm at night where you can just sleep your jet lag away." She took a small sip of wine, fizzing around her mouth perfectly.

"Like I said, it's a peace offering. I wanna enjoy this beautiful night with a beautiful lady like you." He winked and Jeongyeon averted her gaze before he can even finish, this is just getting out of hand.

"Jesus, stop it with the flattery. It's making me sick." She took another nervous sip and Jimin chuckled lowly, looking at the skies above them.

"Alright, I'll stop." He shook his head with a small laugh, "how about we dance to some music shall we?"

Jimin quickly stood up from his seat which startled Jeongyeon as she's never seen this hyper before. He would either always lock himself up in his bedroom or go out with his friends to race.

"What's the matter?" He tilted his head like a little, curious boy and Jeongyeon couldn't help but gaze onto his light brown eyes.

She quickly brushed the daydreaming right away and stood up slowly, unsure what to do. Jimin immediately read her body language as he took her hand, closing in the space between them. She didn't protest, her hand landed on his shoulder while their eyes locked onto each others, starting the music as they sway along with it. Jeongyeon couldn't bring herself to stare at him while he's right there, looking at her with fascinating, curious eyes. Fascinated by the fact that Jeongyeon has small moles on her face, or how small her nose is up close, how her eyelashes are long without her mascara, and how beautiful she is without her even trying.

Jimin didn't know what he was doing that moment but while they were swaying, he brought up his hand to a small strand of her platinum blonde hair and tucking it behind her ear. His touch gives her shiver like December air, she can feel his minty breath on her cheek as their movements slowed down. She finally looked up to him with her dark brown orbs, looking somewhat afraid of what they're going to do — afraid that once they've started, they will never return to what it was before.

His hand slid under her chin, making her look more to him. Everything about him makes her vulnerable and terribly insane. Her heart feels like it's going to burst right out of her chest, and the ringing inside her ear intensifies from having all these butterflies inside her stomach.

Jimin tilted his head to the side, approaching her lips but as soon as she felt like he's only two seconds away from kissing her, she pulled away from his touch gently and looked away. Jimin's expression felt hurt for a split second but she later explained before he can even thought of something bad,

"I-I don't think this is the right time to do that..." She quietly said, averting her eyes away from him shyly. "Not now, Jimin..."

Jimin blinked a few times before sighing in relief. He didn't want to force her into anything and he was somewhat nervous about making her feel weird.

He pushed her head on his chest instead and started to sway their bodies slowly to the music once again. Jeongyeon was even surprised that Jimin agreed on it. She thought he would have laughed at her for backing out by the last minute, but Jimin respected her decision.

Without even talking to each other and just the sound of the song coming out of Jimin's phone, they're both thinking of the same thing;

"I will never win in this bet."

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