twenty seven.

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It started to snow outside as soon as they arrived at the beach. They only realized when the skies turned dark grey, indicating that a heavy snow will be falling sooner or later. Yet they still parked by the nearest curb side parking lot where there weren't much people outside.

"We should have bought some hot chocolate." Jimin said, trying to light up the awkward atmosphere around them.

"Yeah, a good hot chocolate would be good right now." Jeongyeon nodded in agreement.

There was a small silence once again, the both of them trying to find the right words to start the conversation but Jimin decided to do it instead,

"It was a very bad memory of mine." He said, "I remember the both of us standing infront of our Geography classroom. Me pleading for her to stay with me while she's looking at me with no remorse. I should have noticed from that moment that she didn't give a single shit about me."

Jeongyeon didn't say a word while he was talking, she knew he wanted to tell her everything.

"I'm sorry about what I did in the carnival. I know there's no excuse for my natural act based from my emotions that time. I guess I was just clinging on that small light of closure, bringing back that high school Jimin I used to be — the one that really loved her." He said in a very quiet voice, "But I realized afterwards that my feelings has changed. I'm a different person now, and my feelings are for someone way different than her."

His hands made its way to her hands once again, it was cold and soft. Yet her cheeks are the only thing that's warm on her. Her eyes stayed onto his while he looked at her sincerely,

"I love you, Jeongyeon. More than I dare hope. You are the warmth that I needed in this cold winter, you are the light that paved way to my darkened vision full of hatred and bitterness..." He moved her hand to his cheek, cupping it softly as he leaned onto it. "You're all I ever need."

"It's a good thing you've figured it all out." She whispered to him with a small smile, "Thanks for telling me."

"Do you still like me?" Jimin pouted softly, making her giggle.

"Unfortunately not anymore."

Jimin's eyes widened, his heart was about to fall from his chest til Jeongyeon said, "I don't like you anymore. I love you!"

Jimin sighed in relief, holding his chest with a huge grin on his face, "That shit's kinda cringy though."

"I know, I should stop." Jeongyeon laughed.

"Does this mean I get to date you?" Jimin asked hopefully.

"Duh. I mean, you could have asked me since that trip to Hawaii. I was only waiting for you." She rolled her eyes at him.

"I'm sorry, okay? I wasn't ready for a committed relationship and now I am." Jimin whined.

"Typical men."


"But seriously, this snow is definitely not getting better." Jimin looked out of his car window that is now a huge pile of snow, making his wiper having a hard time removing it. "I don't think it's safe to drive in the next few hours."

"Oh no..." Jeongyeon said, "I should probably call Mrs. Park, just to let her know where we are."

Jeongyeon quickly took her phone up to dial Mrs. Park, there was a few rings but she eventually picked it up, "Hi sweetie! It's a good thing you called, I was about to call you just now to ask where you are! The weather is getting bad, you need to come back home as soon as possible!"

"Yeah, about that..." Jeongyeon looked at Jimin unsurely who did the same, "We're kinda stuck in on our parking spot because of the heavy snow."

"Oh— you're with Jimin right now?" She could feel Mrs. Park smiling through the other line, "I thought he was at his buffed-up friend Namjoon. I guess you're all hanging out again, yeah?"

"U-Um..." Jeongyeon stuttered, unsure on what to say until Jimin took her phone away from her and groaned.

"Yes, we're together right now so come please pick us up before we turn into frosty the snowman."

"Okay then~" Mrs. Park giggled before hanging up the phone.

Jeongyeon smiled on her own, fiddling with her fingers. Jimin looked at her adoringly, taking her hand and engulfing it with his huge ones.

"Are you cold?"

"Well, a bit." Jeongyeon replied.

"Do you wanna know how we can warm ourselves up?"


"Through a hot makeout session." He wiggled his brows. Jeongyeon's face blushed in pure crimson, shaking her head.

"Y-Yah! You pervert!" She punched him by his shoulder making him laugh.

"I think I deserve a good kiss after not kissing you for a long time, don't you think?" He pouted while pointing to his lips playfully.

"It's your fault we fought like this." Jeongyeon replied with a small sigh. "And no, we're not doing this. Your mom's gonna pick us up any time soon."

"She ain't gonna be here right away. The snow storm's getting worse." Jimin smirked. "And besides, if you're worried about getting caught, the snow's too thick on the window, a person won't see us!"

"You idiot! You're making it look like we're gonna do something else!" She blushed.

"Unless you want to?" He smirked deviously.

"No! But fine, just one kiss and we're done!"

"A peck?! You're no fun!"

"Shut up! You're even lucky to have a makeout session with me." Jeongyeon exclaimed.

Jeongyeon scooted over to his side but Jimin pressed a button that made her seat go back, so there's enough room for the both of them. She felt his face near hers, as his hands made its way to her hands again. He playfully took a small strand of her platinum hair, twisting it seductively while looking at her.

"Will my beautiful Jeongyeon kiss me like she means it?" He asked.

Her dark brown eyes looked directly onto his, putting her hand on his warm cheeks, a small curved smile emitting from her lips,

"Or you can show me how much you love me."

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