Look who's back!!!!!!!!

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Oh yeah well I just wanted to let you peeps know that I'm back and......hmmm...yeah *shrugs*

About the sequel, here's the deal:

So I know how excited you people have been for the sequel...and trust me, I've been too!! I've been digging up, trying to come up with some ideas and I've finally decided what's it gonna be about!!! Yayayayayayaya!!!!!


Yeah there's always a but :p....

For me 'He was Right' ended as a complete story i.e. it doesn't necessarily need a sequel. They met, they grew close and they finally ended up together. This drags me back to the question---why have a sequel at all and drag their story unnecessarily when it's a happy ending as it is??

Moreover, I could not think of a sequel without them breaking up or other such drama so I dropped the idea of having a sequel then and there.

What I'm proposing, is a new story all together, a new plot, a new setting, a new background...BUT (yeah there's always a but :p xD) the same characters that you all loved this story for!

Tyler, Hazel, Derek and Ashely for sure and maybe some others too!!!

How does that sound?????

So it is a sequel but not really a sequel-sequel!!

Lol that makes no sense but I know you're smart and you got what I mean! xD

It'll be like the second story in a series!

As of now I'm gonna start thinking for a fitting epilogue for HWR and will be posting it soon...within this week itself, most probably!

Leave your comments!! Lemme know what you think!!!!

Until next time! xx

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