That four-letter word

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A/N: Heyo my sweet peas!! First of all THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH FOR 100K READS!!! Wooohooooo!! (Report that wattpad! I DARE you!) lol! xD

Seriously! I love y'all even more than free wi-fi! ;) #stolen #stolenfromharry #harrythatfreakinggreekgod 

There's this very special person I'd like to thank more specifically, @DeliriousAngels. She'd been encouraging me and congratualting me on every 10K reads from the day she'd started reading this. Girl's a li'l cray cray as she thinks of me as a role model but I love her anyway.....:)

Song for the chappie: All of me by John Legend. He's the bomb! Trust me on that!

Okay, now that I'm through, you can read on!


Tyler’s POV

Hazel Justice.

Hazel crazy, wild, stubborn, beautiful Justice.

From the first day I’d met her again, there had not been a single day that I’d not thought about her. From the moment I met her, everything kinda changed. My world, my ways, me….it all changed.

Back at that wedding, when I saw her for the first time, I’d never thought it would be her.

I was just kinda fooling around. And she was definitely not the first one I had went up to and struck a conversation with but there was something about the way she talked and expressed herself, her sassy attitude and definitely that kiss we shared that made me feel something.

But I had let it slip when she kinda rejected me.

She rejected me then….and she’s been rejecting me now.

Same old…same old.


But ya know, I’m not that big of a dumbass as she thinks I am. I’m not letting her get away from me this time.

I don’t know why is it that she’s trying so hard to deny her feelings for me when it’s so clear if you just look into her eyes.

We’re not just friends. We have never been just friends. It had always been more than that and she knows it! She knows it but still denies it.

The door to the classroom I was in, opened and that got me out of my thoughts.

It must be Ash.

She had called me earlier and asked me to meet her here. I’d been waiting for the last fives minutes and calling her but she switched her phone off after I’d called her twice.

She’s definitely up to something.

Though the room was dark because the lights were out in there, there was light coming from the corridor. But I couldn’t really see who was at the door from where I was sitting till I heard her voice as she kinda yelled so that I could hear her over the loud music echoing throughout the school.

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