Playing Cupid

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A/N: Hola beautiful people! Thank you so freaking much for that truck load of love in the previous chapter!! Phew! You can’t imagine how relieved I am to know that none of you think of me as a retard chimp…or a chipmunk! ;p I love to shove your comments on my friends’ faces and make them jelly! 3:)

And it’s now official!! Hazel + Tyler = Hayler!!! The vote count was very close between Hayler and Hyler but I personally like Hayler more cuz Hyler has so less of Hazel! :p Stupid reason, I know but….I like it and you have to go with it!!

And I did some research on the American football! I meant soccer all along. Sorry for the confusion!

So, without much ado, I present to you the next chapter!!


Ashley’s POV (Surprise! Surprise!)


“Before the halftime I was all like, they’re not gonna make it but then...they just…They nailed it!” I said proudly as we hurried to the locker room.

The guys aced the game! They won! And we couldn’t be happier!


I snorted and said, “Pft! Haze please! They did not win because you kept your fingers crossed throughout the game! They won because they played well!”

She raised her hand up to my face and said, “Bitch please! I know you’re thankful but you just don’t want to admit it! I get it! I get it!”

I rolled my eyes and said, “You know, you’re right! That was definitely you! I love you and your finger crossing skills!” Neither do I have the energy nor the time to argue with her. Who could ever win when their opponent was Hazel Justice, the great, herself!

Yeah…no one!

“I was just looking at Tyler! I mean…” she stopped and smiled broadly with her hands flailing in the air which meant she was thinking of a suitable word. “He’s just….he’s perfect! Did you see him?! He wa-“

“Chase was good too!” I cut in with a smirk.

It was so fun teasing her like that! I had been sick and tired of telling her that she likes Tyler, but nooooooo! Why would she listen to Ashley?! Her only reply when I’d bring this up would be, ‘No! I hate him!....oh look! Ice cream!’

She winced as her smile ceased and she shut her eyes. She opened them again and sighed, “Yeah…..but,” she exhaled through her nose, “Yeah! He was great too!” Her lips twitched into a smile again, “But hello! Tyler earned them a goal!!” She said proudly.

“Definitely hates him!” I muttered and giggled.

She scowled and said, “Shut up! And don’t start again!”

I rolled my eyes and said, “Okay fine but, hey! It was Derek who had passed him the ball!” Why should he get the credit alone when my baby had worked for it too?

He was the best! She had to agree!

“Yeah…he was fine!” to which I just rolled my eyes.

We rounded the corner that led into the locker room.

“DEREK!” I shouted and ran to him. He was standing with some of his teammates but immediately turned to face me. I giggled as he put his arms around me and started swinging me in the air. “Put me down…Derek!!”

He chuckled and stole a quick kiss before putting me down. This guy was definitely gonna be the death of me someday!

“I swear I heard you calling my name in the crowd!” he said with a wide grin.

He was rightWhere stories live. Discover now