I might just poison him!

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 A/N: Okay! This was supposed to be a part of the final chapter, but it was turning out too long, so I uploaded this first as a separate one.


Knock! Knock! Knock!


Knock! Knock! Knock!


Knock! Knock! Knock!


I was knocking on Ashley and Derek’s room early in the morning. I had woken up early and went to Tyler’s room first but since he had just gotten into the bathroom then, I decided to get on their nerves and have a little fun.

Knock! Knock! Knock!



“Yes Sheldon?” she barked on my face when she finally opened the door.

I chuckled and let myself into the room after pushing her a little out of my way.

“Good morning Ashley,” I sang, stressing each syllable.

She huffed and said, “Good morning, my ass!”

“Oooh! Why would Assley be so grumpy?” I nodded slowly to myself and tapped my chin with my index fingers as I tried to figure out the mystery.

“Aha!” I shouted and saw Derek rolling over and shutting us out by pressing a pillow on his ear.

I’ll get to him later….Enter devilish smirk.

“Are you sore?” I said with a smirk hinting to the obvious but walked closer to her and put my arm around her shoulders as I pulled her closer to whisper in her ear when she looked confused. “Rough engagement sex, huh?” I said and burst out laughing when her jaw dropped and she shrugged me off. “No wonder you took so long to open the damned door! Must be busy putting this on,” I said cheekily with a wink as I waved my arm over her.

It looked like she was trying to suppress a smile but she scowled and said, “It was nothing like that!” With that she threw a cushion that was lying on the armchair near her, which, by the way, I easily dodged, and stomped into the bathroom.

“Sure,” I sang after her started laughing like crazy. But my laughing fit was cut short when I was hit with a pillow from behind.

“Go away!”  Derek whined, his eyes still closed tight, but I could see he was struggling to keep them that way.

“Awwieee! Wittle Dewek is so big! Getting married and shit!” I chuckled to myself and started poking him in the sides to get a reaction. He kept his eyes closed and kept flaying his hands in the air, as an attempt to block me.

“Wittle Dewek it’s time to wake up!” I cooed and tickled him. “Wake up wittle Dewek! Wake up!” I sang and kept tickling him but he did not even budge. “WAKE UP YOU DIPSHIT!” I yelled and stood on the bed as I started kicking him.

He tossed a few more times before he finally gave up and sat up on the bed.

“What do you want Hazel?” he said, still sleepy and rubbing his eyes.

“A piggy back ride!” I said immediately and smirked.

“What?” He opened his eyes fully and looked at me with irritation.

“I want a piggy back ride,” I said each word distinctly. “Comprende?”

“Go away!” he whined again and was about to drop back in a lying position when I started tickling him again.

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