Tit for tat

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“Well hello, Hercules!” I squealed with fake enthusiasm as I stood in front of my one hundred year old car. Let me update you on the already so eventful Monday of mine.

I slept in.

I skipped breakfast.....again.

Even though I had skipped my breakfast, I was so late that Ashley left without me.

I felt betrayed.

Now I had to drive Hercules to school.....So, I was embarrassed. Actually, beyond embarrassed.

So yeah, that’s all for the morning bulletin.

Somehow I managed to reach school on time. Hercules didn’t stop even once, so that was a very pleasant surprise. As I turned into the students’ parking lot, the first thing that I saw was the beautiful, beautiful, Bree and the idiot of idiots, Tyler.

As you must have noticed, I was not in a very good mood. I had thought about last night over and over again and had come to the following conclusion:

Tyler meant nothing to me. I like to mess with him.

I like Chase. He’s what a sane girl should not let go of.

I honked the horn repeatedly which did earn me a lot of death glares but I had something else in my mind. Tyler and Bree looked at me as I drove towards them and stopped just next to them. I got out of the car and pulled my book bag out.

“Hey,” Tyler said and smiled.

“Yeah, yeah! Hey!” I said and gave him a fake smile. He narrowed his eyes and looked at me confusedly. I looked straight into his eyes and said, “Park the car, slave.” With that I fled the spot with a wide smirk on.

He spoiled my date. I’d spoil any chance he’d have with Bree.

Tit for tat.

I made sure to make the most of the time I was left with till his slave duty was to last. It was the last day and just few more hours, and he’d be free. I didn’t want it to be over at all, but well, we’d made a deal and I was not one of those who broke any type of promises. Except the ones I made to Ashley like I wouldn’t be late or the ones to mom about not tasting the desert before dinner or the ones to Derek about keeping certain things from Ash. Other than that I never broke promises. I was a good girl.

Four classes had passed and all four homeworks of mine were under completion by Tyler. We were sitting in the cafeteria and having the heavenly pizza with bacon and sundried tomato topping while Tyler was busy scribbling on sheets, completing what all was left. He sighed and said, “Hazel, can I do it after eating something? I’m really hungry!”  I thought about it for a second but then let him have something. I was only human, not Satan that I’d starve him!

After he was done he started doing the work again. “Damn!” he said and I looked at him. “This pen’s not working,” he whined.

“Give it to me,” Derek said and took it from him.

He started shaking the pen vigorously until the ink from the pen squirted all over him and on Ashley. He stopped just when that happened and stared at her. His eyes widened and he looked very frightened as the color from his cheeks drained leaving him looking even paler than he already was. Meanwhile I and Tyler burst into laughter, so hard that almost all eyes in the cafeteria were now on our table. Who would miss this show and continue doing something as ordinary as eating? Yeah, just a fool, which the people around were definitely not.

“I’m so sorry,” Derek said frantically and started wiping the ink off of Ashley’s face with a tissue paper which only led to the ink smudging on her face and giving her a smurf-y appearance. I and Tyler again started laughing like maniacs on seeing that.

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