Tyler Tyler everywhere!

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Chapter dedicated to @daniellagarciaU for this AMAZINGGGG banner!!

Thanks girl!! I love it!! :)


There’s a silhouette in front of me. I take a few steps towards it. Suddenly there’s light coming from a source behind that figure. Bright,white light. Now it’s not just an outline.


The figure starts taking on definitive features. It’s a horse and there’s a man on top of it. The man has his face in the other direction and so, I can’t see him. I take a few more steps.


Omigosh! That has to be my knight in a shining armor! Just has to be!


I keep walking and notice a cape flowing slowly with the wind.


Yes! That has to be him!!


But then I notice that the man is wearing his underwear on his pants!


Omigosh! That has to be my Superman! Just has to be! My savior! My hero! My….


The man turns to face me.




I stand there, scratching my head and rubbing my eyes.


Where’s the horse?


Where’s the cape?


Where’s the underwear?


“Where’s your shirt?” I ask him as I find it difficult to move my eyes from his naked torso.


He chuckles lightly and slowly inches towards me. He looks at me with those hypnotizing blue eyes and says huskily, “Hakuna matata baby!!”


“OMG!” She started laughing manically and looked at me as if I was crazy! “Hakuna matata baby!?” Her volume kept increasing. “Are you….oh God!....Are you sure he said…that!?” She managed to speak in between her laughs.

I looked at Ashley and pouted as I had started feeling embarrassed. Damn it! I should have never shared that crazy dream with her!



Heard that? Heard that?

That was my self esteem getting flushed down the drain!

“Ash! Stop it!” I said, irritated out of my wits and slapped her arm.

“Okay,” she giggled a little more, “Okay, I’ll stop now! But Hazel!! You’re seeing him in your dreams now!” She started laughing softly. “That only means one thing!”

He was rightWhere stories live. Discover now