Quack! Quack!

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What am I doing here? I should have never agreed for this!

Twenty bucks! Twenty bucks! I reminded myself of the twenty bucks I was gonna get in return for accompanying Norah to this animal world themed birthday party. Norah was wearing bunny ears and I was given a honey bee’s antenna. Cute! Cute!

But the kids around were such snobs! Spoiled kids of billionaires stacked together under one roof. At least that’s how they were behaving!

The décor was that of a jungle and there were many people wandering around with balloons and stuff for the kids, dressed as animals. There was…I looked around to see…a bear, a tiger, a lion, a goose and a monkey.

“Hazel that goose is not giving me that pink balloon. Hazel I want that balloon!” Norah cried loudly. I looked around to look at the accused pointedly. “He just walks away when I go to him. He doesn’t even dance for me but he was dancing with Sia!!” She continued her complain.

“You come with me!” I took her hand and started walking towards the goose. He was standing with his back pressed to the wall with balloons in his hand but as he saw us nearing him he tried to walk away but we stretched out our arms and cornered him. “Hey, stop!” I said sternly. But instead he turned abruptly as an attempt to flee the spot but banged his big goose head into the wall. That served him right!

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“I’m fine,” he said as he rubbed his head…well, his goose head. Oh wait! I know who that is!!


I stepped  forward and opened his beak to look at him.

“Well hello there, Goosey!” I smiled smugly and then laughed out loud at his embarrassed fuck-I’m-busted look. “How come you never told me that you were a part-time goose?” I laughed and took out my phone to click some pictures. But before I could, Tyler slapped my hand and took out his goose head.

“Duck. I’m a duck!”

I was laughing so hard. “No, you’re a dic-“

“Look who we have here. Norah! Now shut up Hazel!” Oops! Oh yeah. Potty language in front of Norah is a big no-no!!

“It’s my job. I’m paid well plus free food and cake!” he shrugged and took out a chocolate from his pocket. “Here you go,” he said to Norah and handed her the chocolate and a pink balloon. “Sorry for before. I didn’t want to be caught.” He crouched down on his one knee and whispered into her ear, “You know how she is,” and pointed towards me and they both started laughing.

“Yeah, we know how awesomely awesome I am. So awesome that even awesome shies away from me!” I said in the smarmiest way I could.

I breathe awesomeness. I eat awesomeness. I sneeze awesomeness.

Okay, maybe I don’t sneeze awesomeness.

“Right! Right!” They both nodded slowly and started laughing again.

“Okay, so if you ladies would excuse me, I’m on duty,” Tyler said and put his goose-duck!-duck!-head back. And the moment he stepped forward there was a quack sound. He stepped again and quack. Me and Norah looked at each other and burst out laughing.

“Yeah! Yeah! Laugh as much as you want. But kids love me!” He turned around to us. Just then a boy tugged at his feathered suit and said, or rather demanded, “I want a balloon!”

“Sure, champ. Here you go!” Tyler gave him a long balloon.

“Make me a bicycle!” the kid yelled.

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