His girl

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“Haloarenes have shorter and stonger bonds as the....”

Mr. Cray was teaching some concepts of organic chemistry. But all I could decipher was, 'Bigidi ba! Bigidi boo! Bigidi squeeshee didi doo.........ka boo!'

But whatever! I had better things to do.

Like....talk to Chase!

“They are just so cute! They got a new one for me...Finally!....It’s a scooter but mom says dad has planned to give me a car as my graduation present! Eeeep!! I'm so excited!!” I cooed as I supposedly taught Chase what Mr. Cray was trying to say.

The seat next to him had become my regular one since the first day he had asked me to sit there. We were away from Mr. Cray’s line of sight so we were talking like we always did when he’d repeat a topic we had done before.

“That’s great!" He beamed.

"I know, right?"

"So….how’re the rest?”

“The rest?”

“You know….Derek, Ashley…Tyler?” he asked.

I don't know why but every time Chase talked about them, things would always revert to just Tyler as I'd start telling all the crazy things that guy did and then Chase would start getting all low and uneasy.

I knew Chase did feel something for me too. He was always so nice to me and his actions yelled care for me. So I was quite sure that if I'd start talking about Tyler then that'd irritate him. I didn’t want things to turn sour because of no reason. I could feel some sorta discomfort in his tone already. So, I decided to keep Tyler or anything related to him out of this.

“They’re fine! Did you know, Derek gave Ash a pr-“


Somebody’s phone started ringing in the middle of the class!


Chase’s eyes widened and he whispered, “Hazel it’s yours!”




“POWERPUFF SAVE THE DAY!” I took out my phone immediately from my bag and cut the call. Everyone around was sniggering and looking at me while Mr. Cray was staring at me with his face painted red out of annoyance.

“You know the rules, Miss Justice. Out of the class!” He spat as he removed his glasses.

“I’m sorry Mr. Cray. It won’t happen again. I prom-"

“POWERPUFF! POWERPUFF! BLOSSO-“ I cut the phone again frantically as the whole classroom roared with another round of laughter.

I sighed and picked up my books and bag. I murmured a low ‘sorry’ as I made my way out of the class. Once out, I took my phone out to know the culprit so that I could beat the shit out of him/her later. But before I could-

“POWERPUFF! PO-“ I picked the call immediately.

“This better be good Frost! I just got kicked out of the class!” I barked at Derek.

“It’s Ash!” he said worriedly. “Can you come to the first floor girls’ loo?”

“What’s wrong?” I asked seriously as I started running to the said place.

“I dunno! She’s puking and….and I dunno! I know this sounds crazy, but can she be…oh God! Can she be pregnant?”

“WHAT?!” I said with utmost shock.

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