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A/N: All I've gotta say is sorry for being super late....writer's block -_-...and THANK YOU FOR ALL THE WISHES AND GOOD THINGS YOU SAID FOR ME!! #bestbirthdayeva

ffievkwvledxnkhaauwwh....I LOVE YOU OKAY?!


“I’m a Barbie girl!” Derek sang at the top of his lungs with a squeaky voice.

“In the Barbie world,” Tyler did the same.

“Life in plastic, it’s fantastic!” They chorused.

“You can brush my hair,” Tyler sang.

“Undress me everywhere,” Derek sang with a goofy grin and winked at Ashley who rolled her eyes playfully while all of us continued laughing hysterically.

“Imagination, life is your creation,” they chorused.

“Come on Barbie, let’s go party!” Ashley and I chorused in heavy voices.

“Ah-ah-ah-yeah!” They both squealed and flipped their imaginary long blonde hair.

“Come on Barbie, let’s go party!”


“Come on Barbie, let’s go-oh fuck! We’re there!!” Ashley and I screamed and looked at the blue and green sign which was still at some distance that read, ‘MALIBU- 27 MILES OF SCENIC BEAUTY’

We were finally there! Yaaay!


Once we reached the house, I was the first one to get out of the car and rush into the house leaving my luggage to be carried after me by my minions like a true bitch- ehm- princess!

After dozing off for an hour or so, we were all up and waiting for Ash to get the lasagna she had prepared for diner to us on the dining table as we were literally starving. It was all decided. She would make the dinner, Tyler breakfast and Derek lunch.

And I’d eat….and I’d do the dishes.

Fair enough! I could do anything as far as I’d not have to cook what goes inside my tummy and has the potential to kill me as I’d gag and choke on it.

“Uhhmm…this is so good!” I said through the bite of lasagna in my mouth and Tyler and Derek agreed with, “Hmm..” and “Yeah!”

“Thank you! Thank you!” Ashley said and bowed before she took her seat next to me. The other two were sitting from across me, Tyler right in front of me.

“We are going to the El Matador beach tomorrow, right? Right? Right?” I asked them excited and looked at them with a silly grin. I had been there once before and it was beautiful! That’s the only word that comes to mind when you look at the breathtaking views. Besides, it was the only place I remembered the name of.

They chuckled and Ashley said, “Yeah we are! God! If you didn’t swear much and didn’t snore while you’re asleep and….if you were at least seven to eight years younger then me, I’d totally adopt you!” She pinched my cheek as she said, “Who needs a kid when their best friend is like a baby,” she cooed.

“Haha. Funny!” I said and rolled my eyes. “But I don’t snore!” I huffed and crossed my arms.

Tyler snorted and I looked up at him pointedly.


“You were asleep at the couch right there not more than an hour ago!” he said and smirked.

Oops! Caught!

I grimaced and took another bite of my lasagna before muttering, “Whatever!”

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