Spin the bottle

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The long lane that led straight to Bree's house was loaded with parked cars. I bet the whole school was there. I reckoned by 'sleep over' she meant 'party', 'cause whichever sleepovers I had been to were totally different. All we'd do was sit in a room, stack ourselves up with junk food, watch chick flicks, have a pillow fight and all that usual boring stuff. But this.....this seemed to be exhilarating.

After searching for a free space, we finally found one and parked the car. The music was so loud that it could be heard from about three blocks away.

"Who's gonna drive back?" Derek asked.

"You. Who else?" I said as a matter of fact.

"Nope. I'm gonna get wasted and I won't drive while drunk."

I could have volunteered myself but we had Derek's car and ever since I had bumped it once.....let's just say it was a big thing that he was even letting me sit inside it.

"Okay.....then Ashley would you-"

"I'll drive," Tyler said.

"You sure?" I asked. "Won't you be drinking tonight?"


With that we entered the house. The crowd was crazy. All the rooms were packed with high teenagers. Nothing could be heard, except the blaring music, of course.

'I got this feeling on the summer day when you were gone.

I crashed my car into the bridge. I watched, I let it burn.

I threw your shit into a bag and pushed it down the stairs.

I crashed my car into the bridge.

I don't care. I love it.

I don't care.'

We had just entered the living room, and were already dancing to the lively music like no one was watching.


Me and Derek were doing our signature steps. The ambiance was so thrilling that we could not resist it. I'm not much of a party-goer but even then, I was enjoying myself.

The smell of alcohol mixed with that of sweat was making me dizzy though. Maybe I was the only one feeling that way as no one else seemed to have any problem with that.

And why would they? They themselves were like walking air freshers but instead of a sweet flowery smell, they reeked alcohol.

"I'm going to get something to drink. You guys want anything?" Derek asked.

"I'll have vodka," Ashley said.

She was a heavy drinker.

Once she started drinking, there was nothing that could stop her. She'd stop only when she'd pass out. And so was Derek. Both of them were crazy drunkards.

Made for each other!

"I'll come with you," I said to Derek. Some fresh air would be good for me.

"Come on then. Let's go!"

We reached the kitchen and grabbed three cups. We poured the drinks into the cups and started walking back to the living room.


"Chase! Hey! Um...Derek you go....I'll catch you guys later," I said and walked towards Chase.

"I lost my friends. I don't know where they went," he said and shrugged.


"You can have mine for a while. Let's see for how long you can stand them," I said and we started laughing.

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