Chasey! Chase! Chase!

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A/N: Here's the fifth chapter....finally. I know it's been more than a week since I updated and I'm so sorry for that.

Pic to the right- Bree (Rosie Huntington-Whiteley)

Enjoy :)


"Will you tell me what's up between you and Tyler?" Ashley asked.

"Um...Ash you remember that guy from Susan's wedding? The one-"

"The one who kissed you?" she asked.

"Yeah. Tyler is that guy," I said and moaned.

"OMFG!!" she said.

I was sitting on the couch and looked up at Ashley who was standing on a ladder, trying to get some boxes off the cupboard. She had a bemused expression and a broad smile on.

"That's what I thought," I said and stood up to hold the boxes one after the other and put them down. She climbed down too.

"It must be awkward for you," she said.

"Very," I replied.

"So well.....Can you go and keep that box in my room?" Ashley asked after some time.

"I'm not going there. Help your self. I know he's still there an-"

"He's asleep, alright. Just go there and put this next to my desk, okay?"

"No," I said firmly.




"Do you like him?" There's seriously something wrong with her head.

I looked at her with a crinkled nose and squinted eyes.


"Who wouldn't, right?" she continued. "He's sweet and funny and...."

Whoa Ash! Was my look that hard to interpret? It meant STOP! You're hurting my ears!!

I picked up the box and started walking out of the room. If she was going to talk about him for the rest of the day, then there was no way I was staying there.

I didn't have anything against him. But I just didn't feel like talking to him or about him. I'd totally forgotten about him and now that he was here I didn't know how I should act around him. Should I just go and talk to him like people normally do or should I maintain some distance?

I let out a sigh while getting down the stairs. After what he'd said that don't know. I think I should just stay calm.

Om shanti om!!

Yeah, that's it!

I entered Ashley's room and saw him asleep in her bed.

He'd changed a lot since then. His hair was shorter than before. His skin was tanned. The Tyler I had met before was very pale. And he had a muscular built now.

'Too much for two years' I thought to myself. Only two things were still the same- his blue eyes and his smirk.

I was still looking at him when suddenly he opened his left eye, looked at me with a lopsided grin and said, "Take a picture. It'll last longer," while opening his other eye.

"I....uh..." I fumbled for words and turned around to keep the box, which was still in my hands.

"I....uh....umm..." he imitated me teasingly and said, "I know you were checking me out."

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