Of neon monkeys, leprechauns and minty kiss

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A/N: Chapter dedicated to @MyLifeMusicAndBooks for this awesomesauce banner.

Thanks chika :)

Happy Valentine's day readers!!! <3 <3

Enjoy :)


“I think I’ll go with that pink one. Yeah, pink it is!” Ashley said.

“Okay. Well, I want black,” I said.

“Yeah, black’s great. Right Tyler?” Ash said and snickered.

“Whatever!” Tyler said dejectedly.

It was 6 p.m. and me and Ashley had only two hours to get ready for the party. And right now we were getting our toe nails painted by my slave, Tyler. I was feeling great, just like royalty. You know that feeling when there’s always someone running around you and saying ‘yes ma’am….it’ll be done ma’am…..anything else ma’am?’…..Yeah, that’s exactly how it felt.

In the past twenty four hours, Tyler had done everything I had asked him to. He had done the laundry, mowed the front and the backyard, played Barbie with Norah and washed Hercules….um, that’s what I call my car. Ironic, I know but I just can’t help my sarcasm at times.

“Ew! Stop it! Stop! STOP!” I shrieked at Tyler.

“What?” he hollered. I could tell he was beyond irritated now.

Great, I was on the right track then.

I stared at him, giving him the look that said ‘say that again and forget that we had a deal’. And that immediately worked. His features softened and a sweet, fake but sweet, smile made its way to his lips.

“Is anything wrong, mistress?”

“Yes! My nails! They are a massacre! Thanks to you,” I scolded him.

“Is there anything I can do to fix it?”

“No! Just leave it and go take the dog for a walk,” I huffed.

Hehe. This should be fun!

“But you don’t have a dog!” he said with confusion and irritation.

“But Mrs. Kent does. Go and take her poodle for a walk,” I said and smirked, shooing him away with my hands. Mrs. Kent was a neighbor of ours. Why not do her a favor as well?

He grimaced and made his way out of my living room while me and Ashley continued laughing maniacally.

“You’re such a bitch!” she said in between the laughs.

“And I’m proud to be one,” I said and winked at her. 


“Okay, remember that there should be a drink in my hands at all times. I don’t want to stop tonight. Clear?” I asked Tyler while looking at the crowd of animals, um, our school mates that had packed his house.

I could get drunk as much as I wanted. There were many reasons, of course:

1. It was Saturday. I didn’t have school the next day.

2. I didn’t need to drive to get back home.

3. I was staying at Ashley’s for the night.

4. Well, I wanted to. Wasn’t that enough?

I turned to my left when I didn’t get any answer. He was not even there.

“Clear,” I heard his voice, miraculously, over the music which was loud enough for the whole city to hear it. He was standing to my right with a red solo cup and shoving it towards me.

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