Welcome to Hazel-town!

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This chapter is dedicated to my best friend, @gurbeen. Love you! :)

Pic to the right- Hazel (Barbara Palvin)

Enjoy :)


It was one of those tiring Mondays. Well, Mondays were not always so dull but today I was feeling pretty low and had been dragging my feet everywhere like a lazy sheep.

Initially, I had thought of saying 'like a lazy hen' but after what happened today morning, hens for me stand on the same pedestal of being feared as him who can't be named.

No, not Voldemort!

I meant that old security guard at the mall with pale wrinkled skin and black front teeth. The one who stares at everyone creepily and mutters ' You'll die!' (or is it ' Good day'?) when anyone dares to pass him. Whatever it is, he's definitely very scary. And he can't be named cuz, well, I don't know his name.

Now, back to hens. I had this really crazy nightmare where a giant, like HUGE, hen was chasing me on a never ending dinner table with its chicks sitting on small chairs on both sides and yelling, "Momma, food!" They were ready with their forks and knives in their hands or wings or whatever and had these bibs tied around their necks with the words, 'Momma's lil' chick'. And I'm not too stupid to not put two and two together and conclude that I was the food they were asking for.

And just as I felt the big and might I add, deadly annoyed momma tapping its beak on my head and making weird howls the moment it held me to the table with its claws, I woke up and mentally slapped myself for putting such a ridiculous rooster ringtone.

One thing I was absolutely positive about now was - turning into a vegetarian is better than being fed to hungry wild chicks for eating their relatives with chips and Pepsi.

I shivered as I thought about that. I was sitting in my car in the school parking lot. Eventually, the bell rang and after heaving a sigh I hopped out of it and started walking with the same lazy pace but then started sprinting as I remembered that I had math.

I knew that if I did not reach in time, Mr. Russell would not even think twice before giving me detention. That teacher hated me so much just as I hated his beloved math. I just know it!

So, I rushed through the corridors, bumping, apologizing and cussing, towards the classroom. I was lucky Mr. Russell had not arrived yet and I hurried to my regular seat which was right at the centre - neither with the front desk geeks, nor with the crazy ass jocks and quiet away from the queen bee's hive.

"Hey, Hazel!" I heard a familiar voice call me.

"Hi Ash," I answered.

She had just entered the class and as usual I had saved her a seat next to mine.

Ashley and I had been best friends for ages. We were neighbors and had grown together. We were like sisters and there was no doubt about that. We shared everything and every little detail of that everything. We confided in each other the most. We shared common interests in almost everything, be it music, movies, celebs or dressing sense. It was so awesome to have a friend like her. It was just like having me as my BFF.

She smiled at me and started walking towards her seat. She was a bit shorter than me and had straight dirty blonde hair with a lovely smile always plastered on her flawless face. I loved her eyes- a very beautiful shade of green with hints of grey.

We were just about to start with our chattering when Mr. Russell walked in and asked for our attention. He had a pile of papers in his hands. Oh shoot! Please, please, please not today...

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