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Okay so...well HWR is my baby and my baby has turned one today!! Yaaaaaayyy!!!!

Hahahaha I don't know if I should be ashamed that it's been a year since I started this and still ain't done with it OR be proud and super grateful to y'all for making it this big!!

Yeah...a bit of both I guess..Hehehehehe.

This is my first work here and the support I've got for this is so amazing that I'm flying most of the time...metaphorically speaking :p

SO! I want to say a BIGGGGG THANK YOU to y'all and give each one of you a bone crushing hug for being such awesomesauce readers that you are!! Come on now! Pat your backs!! :D

That's more like it! :)

I just want you to know that I read each and every comment you guys post and value every single vote and even read!

Hmmm...What else??....


*hides behind a pillow*

I forgot to mention that this is not an update.


Comment anything if you

A. Growled

B. Said 'aww' or 'damn' (or anything else along the line :p)

C. Or made an inhuman noise out of disappointment xD


I said two weeks! And I always stick to my words....sometimes! :p


And one more thing!

As you all can make out that this is going to be over soon....I was thinking that if you want to do any one shots or sequel to HWR, then you can! You can even try to write an epilogue if you're interested. I'll share it all on my profile! I'll be happy to let you use my characters but it has to be under the same title.

Alright! Now that's a wrap!

See you soon with a chapter....hopefully! ;) xD

Also! SILENT READERS! Say hi to me, yeah? I wanna know how many of you are there!

Buh bye my Zeally beans! Muahh! xx

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