Oppa Gangnam Style!

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See this smexy banner in the sidebar? THIS IS THE FIRST ANYONE HAS EVER SENT FOR HWR!!!!

I'm so happy!! Just so happy!!

So for making me this happy, this chapter is dedicated to @Rdoubleisintimesin

Thanks chika! You made my day!! :)

And now...ahem....you're welcome to send me banners too and get a dedication!! :)

Aloha amigos!! ( NOTE: Don't ever pay any sorta attention to whatever I write....unless it's English :p)

So here you go!! :)


“Tyler!...Tyler!” I was calling him and banging the big door of the dance studio at school. He was busy sweeping the wooden flooring with his ears covered with his headphones. “TYLER!!” He had his back to me and was not turning which implied that his iPod had to be at full volume!

I huffed and slung my bag higher up my shoulder as I started walking towards him.

“OI DOGGIE!” I barked and pushed him a little. His body jerked forward and then turned to face me.

“What?” he asked innocently as he removed the headphones.

The bruise under his eye was now quite noticeable.


Just wait till I corner that Hales in a dark alleyway and pierce his torso with the sharpest of heels I've got!!

I rolled my eyes and said, “I’m here to help!” I snatched the mop from his hand and said, “Go find yourself another one!”

“Well, I did not ask for your help!” he retorted and took the mop back from my hand.

Ha! Silly boy! He doesn't even know how lucky he is to get help from the queen of lazy butts!

I tossed my bag to a side and snatched the mop back as I said, “Neither had I asked for yours, but you stepped in anyway.” I pouted. “I COULD HAVE BEEN THE HERO! YOU STOLE MY GOLDEN CHANCE!!” I said dramatically and grabbed his collar. “WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!” I started fake-wailing.

“You know, you never fail to amuse me,” he smirked and shook his head slowly.

“Thank you!” I said instantly and batted my eyes at him. He chuckled and grabbed another mop from a bucket lying at the corner.


After being reprimanded by the principal, both Tyler and Ryan were given detention - keep mopping the dance studio and the cafeteria till the whole damn place looked as unused as Bree's upper storey.

See what I did there? Hehehehe...

But before they had begun working on their respective places, they were sent to the school counselor so that she could talk some sense into their violent minds.

“Did you send Chase before?”

“Chase? What’re you talking about?” I asked skeptically.

“Just a minute before you came, he had come to volunteer as well,” he said and shrugged.

“Chase? Really?”

Aww! That sugar bunny!!

“Yeah! But I told him to fuck off,” he said as his nostrils flared and his lips formed a straight line.

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