Part 7

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'It's okay, don't cry.' Niall's words were so comforting but i couldn't stop crying, people were starting to stare. 'Come on i'll take you back to mine.' Niall wrapped his arm around me as we headed for the car. As we sat down on the cool leather Niall asked me what had happened. 'It w-was just talking to her again, s-she didn't even say sorry.' Why was i so upset over this! I just couldn't control my tears. 'I'm sorry Maddie. It's my fault, i shouldn't have suggested you call her, it was too soon.' Niall started the engine as we headed home. 'Please Niall don't. It wasn't your fault at all.' The rest of the journey was quiet apart from the sound of me crying. I was thinking about poor Alexa, how hard it must be on her. As Niall and i got to the front door of the flat we heard people laughing and talking. 'Zayn must have invited the boys round. I will go talk to them.' I waited outside whilst Niall went in. What a great first impression. Whoever was in  there was going to see me with a red tear stained face. Niall told me to come in as he took my hand heading for his bedroom. I smiled as i walked by Harry, Louis and Zayn also another person i wasn't sure of. A ginger girl with Sparkling green eyes. I arrived in Niall's room as he held me tightly in his arms. 'You okay?' 'kind of, You go and see the boys i will stay in here.' I didn't want to make the room feel awkward. 'Are you sure? I can easily stay here to give you cuddles.' 'I'm sure Niall, as lovely as it sounds.' Niall smiled at me and went to join the boys. I lay on the bed rubbing my temples to try and get rid of the headache i had given myself.

Niall's POV

Seeing Madison break down like that broke my heart. I'm not the type of person that knows what to do when someone cries. I find it awkward. The hugging technique seemed to work this time though. I just didn't understand why her mum had been so cruel! It made me so angry.

I went through to the boys. Getting everyone some more drinks. Zayn came through to help me. 'Listen mate i'm sorry about last night.' he put a hand on my shoulder. 'I forgive you' i laughed punching him playfully. 'Niall, There's something umm i- i think i should tell you.' 'Sure mate what is it?' I asked. 'Umm. Madison she.. I don't know how to put this but.' Zayn was quiet for a while looking confused. 'eh she's good for you Nialler.' 'Is that it?' i laughed. Zayn took a few bottles for the boys as we headed through to the lounge. I took a cola through for Poppy, Harry's girlfriend. She didn't really like alcohol, she doesn't need it! She is a good laugh. i handed Louis a beer. 'So the girl, you gonna expand, or?' Louis asked. 'Umm well you know she's called Madison. We're together, she's had a rough time lately but she is lovely, and beautiful.' i blushed. 'Oooh Nialler's going red!' Louis laughed. 'Leave him alone! He obviously really likes Madison.' Harry stuck up for me.

Zayn's POV

I wasn't sure if i liked Madison or not. I regretted what i said to her, I couldn't believe i almost told Niall earlier. But then again i'm not sure i can live with secret. You know what if they got married. We've still got this massive secret to keep! I decided i needed to talk to her.

Madison's POV

There was a knock at the door. 'Come in!' i shouted. I saw Zayn come in and got up instantly. 'Oh you're not welcome.' 'Maddie i just need to talk.' Zayn pleaded. 'No, now get out!' i pushed him towards the door when he grabbed my arm 'Zayn get off, that hurts!' I cried. 'Not until you let me in.' 'Zayn please just go.' i gritted through my teeth. 'You know what, you're pathetic! I'm not leaving until i can talk to you.' 'ZAYN GET THE FUCK AWAY!' I shouted forgetting that everyone was in the lounge. Zayn let go of me as purple and blue bruises appeared on my arms. I could hear everyone coming through. Now what was i going to say?

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