Part 10

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'How are you feeling?' Niall spoke first, i could tell he was just about as nervous as i was.

'I will be honest with you.. terrible... how about you?' We talked still as if we were strangers.

'I'm okay. Just a broken hand to deal with.. I can't believe i did this to you Maddie.' Niall looked so guilty, his eyes threatening to cry.

'Please don't be sorry Niall. It was me that caused all of this. Have you seen the magazines?'

'But i lost my temper.. i should have never pushed you. And yes i've seen the magazines, it's not as bad as they look and half the things are made up. We have just got to get through this.' I'm sure i saw a tiny smirk on Niall's face. 'We? As in you and me?' i asked slightly confused.

'Yes. We. We can't let Zayn win, did you really mean it when you said you loved me?'

I blushed, 'I thought you never heard me! Yes. Niall Horan... I umm I love you.' Niall grabbed my waist and pulled me tight into his chest hugging me with all his strength. 'So we can start fresh?' Niall asked. 'I'd love to.' i smiled. The bell rang forcing me to let go of Niall. 'I have to go.. Will i see you later?' i asked. 'Of course. See you.' Niall stroked my cheek and left. I could hear girls screaming as Niall passed them, now i had to somehow get rid of this big grin on my face..


'Alexa!' i shouted as i watched the soft brown curls bounce as Alexa came running up to me. I gave her a hug. 'So what would you like.. An ice cream or milkshake?' I asked whilst signing the a form confirming that i had picked up Alexa. 'Mashake.' For some reason Alexa could never say milkshake properly but i always understood what she meant. I took her hand as we headed to a small cafe for our milkshakes.We arrived at the cafe, most of the waitresses were my age so they all kind of knew that i was on almost all the magazines, they all gave me snidey looks. 'Hello little girl what would you like?' asked the waitress looking at Alexa. She asked for a strawberry milkshake. 'So will that be a strawberry milkshake and a slutshake?' She laughed. 'No i would like a chocolate one please.' I didn't want to rise to it especially infront of Lex. Fortuanatly Alexa never really understood the waitress. 'Mummy wants you to come home.' Alexa said.

'Lex, honey, i've moved out for good. With the money dad left i'm going to find myself a new place! You can come and stay whenever you like.' My dad owned a delivery company, and in his will he asked for it to be sold and the money to be split between Me, Alexa, my mum and my older sister Amy. So the business sold for two million and i got five hundred thousand.. You'd probably think i would be out spending it all but i've got plans with it. I'd like to be a fashion designer and then maybe go to big places such as New York, Dubai and LA. 'I'd like to stay with you.' Alexa said slurping her milkshake. 'Would you like to go to the park Lex?' Alexa's face lit up, she loves the park. I took that as a yes. We went to my favourite park, it had a duck pond, Loads of grass to run about on or have a picnic, a small bridge over a little stream of water and for Lex there was a big climbing frame and swings. She ran over to the climping frame whilst i took a seat on a seat opposite. I checked my phone there was a text from Niall: 'Hi, was just wondering if i could pick you up somewhere? X' I replied straight away. 'I have to drop of Alexa at my mum's so maybe you could pick me up there x.' 'Okay, i haven't managed to find a flat today, so i have to stay with Zayn... I would love for you to stay but please don't feel forced you know.. after everything that's happened xx' 'That's okay. I also have to find a flat we should go searching together :D I would love to  stay x' 'Okay see you around five x' 'Yeah :) x'

I now had to call Beth to say i didn't have to stay anymore... 'Hey Beth, It's Madison, just to say i can't stay with you, thank you so much for the offer though!' 'That's fine, I will see you tomorrow at school yeah?' 'Yep see you then.. bye.' The conversation seemed quite dull. I hated letting friends down. 'Lex! We have to go now.' I shouted over to Alexa. She smiled running over to me. 'Look at the state of you! Mum is going to go mad!' Lex was covered in mud and had grass in her hair, i don't even know how it was possible for someone to get so dirty! 'Oh well.' Lex giggled.

I got Alexa home at five on the dot. I just smiled at my mum and said bye. I waited at the front of my drive for Niall. 'Hello Mads!' A voice said as i turned around to put a body to the voice. 'Jacob! How are you!' Jacob was a childhood friend, although he was two years older than me we always got on so well. 'I'm great! Just back from Uni in Manchester.' He smiled as he gave me a hug.

'Aw cool is that you guys finished for summer?'

'Yeah, thank god. It's doing my head in, all this coursework i have to do!' He smiled. I saw Niall's car arrive across the road. 'Well that's my ride. I'll see you soon though?'

'Yes we need to meet up more often! And is that Niall from One Direction?' Jacob looked confused and shocked. 'Yes. I guess you haven't seen the magazines today.. There's been a bit of drama but we are back together.' I laughed.

'I never knew you were together at all! Wow! Your going to be like famous! Anyway, I will catch up soon.'

'Yeah, it was really nice to see you.' I smiled giving him a hug. 'Bye.'

'Who was that?' Niall asked.

'Just a childhood friend, Jacob. He's really nice.' I said.

'I need to go talk to him quickly.' Niall said. He got out of the car before i could reply. Why did Niall want to see him. I saw Niall grab his arm pulling him around. He said something which made Jacob back away putting his hands up as if to say he hadn't done anything. Niall headed back to me. 'What was that about?' I asked.

'Nothing, just warning him that you're mine and mine only.' Niall looked so tense, he then turned round to me giving me a false smile. 'Do you not trust me? He's been one of my closest friends all my life why would i want to get any closer with him?' I asked slightly confused at how Niall had reacted. 'Look babe i was just telling him.' Niall gritted through his teeth, why was he so angry about this? I didn't want to have an argument so i just nodded and smiled. 'I have two choices, Nandos or go home and watch a film with pizza?' Niall smiled.

'Umm how about Nandos?'

'Good choice.' Niall laughed.


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