Part 19

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'Just ignore her.' Eleanor said looking at me, 'There's always the one fan that can't be happy for you but the rest of this arena probably loves you.' Eleanor smiled putting her hand on mine. I guess she was right, i can't let one person ruin my night.

As the boys were closing the show big red and white balloons fell from the roof, one floated towards me, i was about to jump to grab it when the nasty fan next to me shouted 'Get out of my way you worthless whore.' And then jumped in front of me, all i can remember is seeing a pool of blood and paramedics running over to me.

Niall's POV

The show tonight was amazing. One of the best so far! I had arranged to meet Madison back at the hotel once the after party was over. I got off the stage mucking about with Louis when the tour manager said that there was some kind of emergency. I thought it would just be a load of fans trying to find us or something. Louis and i followed the tour manager as she said 'It's Madison, she's been taken into hospital. A fan pushed her over and there was blood everywhere.' I didn't know what to say, I could only think of the worst possibility. I couldn't move, i was worried sick as i stood in the hallway not listening to anyone. 'Mate, come on. We have to go to the hospital.' I could hear Louis' voice echo in my ear. My feet led me towards a large black van.

The journey didn't take too long, i arrived in the hospital and ran towards where the nurses pointed. That's where i saw Madison, lying on the hospital bed with blood all around her and tubes in her mouth. I walked through the doors and fell by her side grabbing hold of her hand. 'Wha- what happened?' I asked Lauren and Eleanor who were standing by the hospital bed.

Eleanor started to explain 'There was a fan giving her a hard time. Niall maybe you should hear from..'

'JUST TELL ME PLEASE WHAT HAPPENED!' I shouted as tears formed in my eyes.

'She was knocked over, and blood started appearing all around her, sh- she, umm Madison she had a miscarriage.' Lauren said as she stood there her eyes wide with shock. Before i could say another word alarms started going off as Madison started fitting. Nurses ran in as i stood there frozen, Louis had to drag me out. 'Please say this is all some nightmare Louis, please.' I begged as Louis hugged me tightly. 'I wish i could.' He answered.

Three hours passed when a nurse came over to me saying Madison was finally awake. I ran straight to her kissing Madison on the fore head. 'I didn't even know.' She cried.

'It's okay babe. Don't worry.' I said trying to fight the tear but they just came out anyway. A doctor then came in and told me to take a seat beside Madison so he could explain what had happened.

'This happens to a lot of young girls when they get pregnant Early on in their lives. Your condition, Madison was a little worse. Normally it would be vomiting and a bit of blood when a miscarriage occurs. With you we had a lot of blood loss and this has made us alarmed that there could be something wrong. I don't want you to worry too much, the extra blood may be because you hit the ground quite hard. You will probably get to go home tomorrow but we will need you to come back in a few days to take some tests just to make sure everything is ok.'

Madison and I were quiet for a while trying to take everything in 'How far along was i?' Madison managed to speak up. 'About eight weeks. Now are you sure you didn't know? Did you not notice the weight gain? Morning sickness?' The doctor asked.

'No, I was only sick once but i thought it was a hangover as i'd been out the night before. I did notice i had put on a bit of weight but again i thought nothing of it... Do you think the baby would've been okay if i wasn't pushed?' Madison asked the same question i had been wondering.

'It's hard to say, the fact you never knew and since you were drinking could be part of the miscarriage but to have a lot of pressure put on to your stomach when you fell could be part of it. But as i said we are going to take some tests in a few days just to find out if there could have been another cause.' The doctor then left the room, leaving Madison and i in silence.

'Honey, what was the fan that pushed you over like?' I asked Madison.

'Rude, jealous, i wouldn't call her a fan, she called me names said i was worthless and hated me for breaking your heart. I knew the night wasn't going to be good because of her but i never thought i would end up in hospital getting told that i had a fucking miscarriage. I should have known that i was pregnant, i practically abused that kid with all the parties that went on in those eight weeks.' Madison explained. I felt like this was all my fault that i had let this happen.

'I just don't get why people can't be happy for us, just sitting there calling themselves a fan when actually they are just some HATER TRYING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!'

Madison's POV

'Niall calm down, it might not even be their fault!' I replied in a calm voice trying to get Niall to sit down, but he wouldn't, he was just standing up and he was so tense. 'MIGHT NOT BE THEIR FAULT! IT'S ALL THEIR FAULT!' Niall shouted as he kicked at a wall.

Louis and Liam came running in 'Niall calm down!' they shouted as both of the boys grabbed him making him sit down. Niall just broke down crying into his hands. Liam comforted Niall saying it was okay. I just lay on the hospital bed pressing my hands against my head having flashbacks of all the things that had gone wrong in the past five months. I started ripping all the tubes from my arms and hands. 'What are you doing!' Liam asked, confused.

'What does it look like i'm doing! Nothing has gone right for me! I'm fed up with everything! I'm just one of those 'bad luck girls'. I'm getting out of here, i can't do this anymore!' I cried as i got up from the bed standing to my feet. 'You can't leave! You've just had a miscarriage. You've lost a lot of blood, you need to stay here.' Liam said holding me back.

'LET GO OF ME, NONE OF YOU CAN CONTROL WHAT I DO! I WISH I'D NEVER EVEN MET ANY OF YOU, MY LIFE WAS FINE BEFORE THIS! I HAD MY MUM AND MY SISTERS, I WAS HAVING A GOOD TIME AT SCHOOL, I HAD MORE THAN THREE FUCKING FRIENDS. BUT SINCE I GOT INVOLVED WITH NIALL I'VE LOST ALL THOSE FRIENDS, I'VE BEEN BEATEN UP, I'VE HAD LIGHTS FLASHING AT ME EVERY SECOND OF THE DAY, I'VE HAD PEOPLE WANTING TO KILL ME. YOU TELL ME WHY ANYONE WOULD WANT TO LIVE THAT LIFE!' I screamed, kicking at Liam who was holding me back from running out of the hospital, Louis then came over to help, lifting me up onto the bed as i screamed and kicked. 'She's right.' Niall cried 'Since the day i met You Maddie, nothing has gone right. I'm so sorry.'

Niall walked out into the corridor. My heart thumped, had i just lost Niall for good? I guess a whole load of anger, worry and panic had built up inside of me i just had to scream and let everything in my mind come out. I love Niall, I don't want to loose him. Why am i so stupid!

I got up from the bed 'I don't know what i was saying, i can't loose Niall!' I cried as Liam held me back, i broke down into his arms. 'It's okay.. You've had a big shock today, you are going to be confused and you will question everything, but at this time is when you and Niall really need to help each other get through this.'

'I'm sorry.' I cried until i had no more tears to cry, falling asleep in Liam's arms, sat on the hospital floor. Wondering what was going to happen next, what the tests were going to show.

I was scared.

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