Part 13

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I stayed off school for the next few days... I just sat in my old room staring outside, i hadn't spoken to my mum much she came in with an occasional cup of tea or a snack. I had marks and cuts all across my collar bones and down to my elbows, i couldn't believe how violent Niall was with me. It ached for me to move my head. I did nothing for my birthday, i just told Beth i wasn't well.

It had been a week since i last saw Niall, I am still trying to figure out if i will forgive him, he hasn't been in touch, i checked his twitter and he hadn't been on that. Even though Niall had been so bad there was still a part of me that loves him but there is a part of me that never wants anything to do with him again. I got up and wiped my face, free from tears. I decided to text Harry. 'Hey Harry i was just wondering if Niall had spoken to you?' It took a while for him to reply 'Vaguely, he said you guys had a little fall out and that he was going to spend some time with his family in Ireland before the tour rehearsels start. You okay?' So he was running away from me. I was about to reply when my phone started ringing, it was Harry. 'Hey.' I tried to make myself sound cheery but that never happened. I hadn't really spoke for the last week so my voice sounded rough and croaky. 'Hey Maddie, Are you okay? Can i ask what happened?' I wasn't sure i could speak over the phone. 'Why don't you come over, It will be easier to explain.' Harry agreed so i had about twenty minutes to make myself look presentable. I went into the shower, but i couldn't find the strength to lift my arms. It was so painful. I broke down in the shower, holding my head and screaming. This was about the first chance i had to let my emotions out as the shower blocked out any noise i made. I watched my tears join the rest of the water from the shower. I found the strength to get out of the shower and took a long look at my grey, depressed face. I couldn't even dry my own hair because of the pain, so i just put my onesie on and left my hair soaking me, dripping on my shoulders. I sat at my dressing table staring into my mirror. I then heard a knock at my door and a tall curly haired boy walked over to me. The smile on his face disappeared as he took a long look at me. Harry put his hand on my shoulder as i flinched causing me to jump. Harry looked confused as he bent down beside me his hands shaking as they made their way towards my shoulders again this time pushing the material away to examine the marks. Harry's jaw dropped, his face turning white. 'Wha- What, Who.. did this?' He whispered.I could hardly say Niall's name, It made my heart thump. 'N-Niall..' I took a deep breath 'I went to see an old friend, Niall threatened him so i confronted Niall and he just got so angry pressing into my shoulders and arms, he drove me back here pulling at my arms and when i refused to move he dragged his nails down my arms cutting them. And then pushed me throwing me onto the pavement and leaving me there.' I started crying again with all the flashbacks and images left in my mind. Harry grabbed the towel from my bed and started drying my hair with it. He then tied my hair back for me. I was just frozen in my chair. Harry went outside onto my balcony pacing back and forth. He made a phone call and then came back in. 'I never, i can't.. I' Harry gave up trying to get his words together. He came over to me hugging me as i cried more finally getting comfort from someone. 'Do you still love him?' Harry asked. I took a while to answer, but finally made up my mind 'Yes.'

'I called him, turns out he lied to me, He is actually at his flat, i told him i knew what he had done and that we needed to do something about it.... Please please please don't hate me for it.. but... i invited him round.'

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