Part 22

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'Bonjour!' I shouted at the top of my lungs when Niall walked in the door once he was back from the shops.

'Is that all you know? You've been saying that since Harry told us we could go! That's what like twenty hours!' Niall laughed pecking me on the cheek. We had three hours to waste before we headed for the airport! I couldn't wait.

'Have you packed everything you need?' I asked Niall showing him a list of things that he would need.

'Of course beautiful!' He smiled walking into his bedroom and then bringing out both our cases. Niall's was plain black but mine was orange, red, green, blue and pink! I thought it would be easier to find it on the luggage belt.

'What are we going to do for three hours!?' I said slouching down on the sofa. Niall sat down beside me putting his arm around me and shook his head, 'I have no idea babe.. How about a film?' He got up walking over to his massive collection of films.

After about 5 minutes of searching for one good DVD Niall went from crouching down to rolling to the carpet and laying on his back. 'Theres nothing I fancy.' He moaned.

I walked over to him. Putting my hands on my hips and shaking me head. 'Do you fancy me?' I teased taking a seat on top of Niall.

He rose an eyebrow 'of course!' He laughed.

I leaned down kissing him softly 'I'm afraid we have to wait until Paris! I'm not having another shower!' I smiled stroking down Niall's stomach making him squirm as he is the most ticklish person I have met!

'I love you Maddie.' He stroked my cheek, tucking the fallen hair behind my ear.

'I love you too.'


'Hey Harry!' Niall waved as we saw him unloading his suitcases from the boot of his car. He waved back smiling at us. I grasped Niall's hand squeezing it as we made our way over to Harry an Poppy.

'All ready to go?' Poppy squealed pushing her hair back and grabbing the handle of her suitcase.

'Yes! We can't wait! Thanks again for booking all of this.' I said as we headed towards the airport. I knew from the minute we stepped into the massive airport that it was going to be a brilliant holiday!


Sorry it's a short chapter but at least it's something!! I should update more next week.

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