Part 3

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45 minutes later i heard a knock at my glass balcony door, i jumped up and ran over to the door only to find it was locked. i opened the curtain and signalled to Niall i would be two minutes, he smiled.

Finally i found the key and let Niall in. 'i thought i was never going to get in!' Niall laughed removing his converse. 'Oh and sorry i'm a bit late, there were a few fans outside my apartment who wouldn't let me leave until i had signed books and taken photos.' The Irish accent was adorable! 'It's okay' i replied quietly. Niall stroked my cheek pushing my long blonde hair behind my ear. I shivered at Niall's cold touch. 'So what was wrong?' Niall asked, his blue eyes looking concerned. i went and sat on my bed, patting it to get Niall to sit beside me. 'Three months ago my dad died, in a crash, i was with him, i was lucky and got away but my dad wasn't... i -i i cant do this Niall' i broke down and couldn't explain anymore. Niall put his arm around me as i sobbed into my hands. 'I'm so sorry Madison.' Niall leaned in and kissed me on the forehead. 'I've never talked to someone properly about my dad since he passed away, i've always just held my emotions in, but today when i saw my mum had a new man i- i couldn't contain myself, Niall how can my mum just move on like that? She hasn't even been up to see if I'm okay!' I hugged Niall, crying into his chest. 'It's okay babe, i'm here for you.' I looked up to Niall 'That means so much to me Niall.' I smiled. 'I really like you, as soon as i saw those dark brown eyes look into mine i knew you would be good for me.' Niall whispered. Why did Niall like me? I had nothing to like about me. 'i like you too.' I whispered back to Niall. He leaned in to me, he was concentrating on my lips, he moved even closer and our lips connected, suddenly all my worries were gone, i felt so safe right now with the touch of Niall's lips. When he pulled away i blushed. 'So, can i ask you some questions?' Niall asked me. I nodded, not sure of what these questions could be. 'How many proper relationships have you been in?' 'Two' i answered. Niall smiled 'Where is your favourite place in the world?' 'Italy.' 'Whats your favourite colour?' 'Blue' 'What age are you?' 'sixteen' There was a silence for a while. 'I thought you were older, But that's okay.' Niall smirked 'Are you a virgin' 'Niall!!' i screamed, blushing and trying to giggle it away. 'Well are you?' Niall laughed. 'No' i answered honestly. 'Okay so how many boys have you.. you know done it with.' 'Well there was jack, Ben, Sean, Mark, Jason' I joked laughing out loud as Niall got my joke. 'No only once.' I then answered. 'Phew! Got worried there babe.' Niall seemed so nice, very flirty. He was about to kiss me when there was a knock at the door. 'Niall hide!' i whispered. I opened the door, it was my mum. 'i'm sorry Madison, i thought you were going to be okay about Phil, Your sister was.' I hadn't forgiven my mum and i wasn't planning to. 'Yeah well Alexa is only six mum! She doesn't even understand!' i shouted. 'It has been three months, you need to come to terms with it Madison, he wasn't even your dad!' I coudln't believe my mum had said that, he was the one that looked after me for nine years of my life! 'HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT! I ONLY REALLY REMEMBER HIM BEING MY DAD! I HATE YOU!' i screamed at my mum and pushed her into the wall and ran into my room slamming the door. i pulled a large bag out from under my bed and starting throwing as much as i could fit into it. I had almost forgotten Niall was here. 'Are you okay? I cant believe your mum used that against you!' Niall seemed so agitated by a situation he didn't know much about. 'She's a fucking bitch Niall and i am so fed up with her, i've had to put up with her making stupid remarks at me since i was eight. I can't stay here anymore, i'm moving out. I don't know where i am going to go but i will find somewhere wether it's staying with Beth or going to a shelter, i can't put up with another minute of this.' I cried. i got another bag and stuffed it with school stuff and other essentials. 'Why don't you stay with me, just while you find a proper place, i don't want you being in a bad place.' Niall came over to me holding my hand. I hugged him accepting his offer. So this was it, I was moving in with Niall for a while.

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