Part 8

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'What's going on!' Niall came running through. There was silence.

'Madison kissed me the other day.' Zayn admitted. Shit. Why did he say that! 'Is this true Maddie?' Niall looked at me his eyes so scared of my answer. 'Yes. It wasn't all my fault, Zayn enjoyed it. I'm so sorry Niall. It didn't mean anything.' Niall's whole body went so tense, Harry and Louis were standing there with anticipating what Niall was going to do. Suddenly he took a swing at Zayn hitting him at the corner of his mouth. 'NIALL STOP!' I screamed as he continued throwing punches at Zayn. 'WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME! I THOUGHT WE WERE FUCKING HAPPY TOGETHER!' Niall shouted so loud the whole building probably heard him. Zayn got his back on Niall as he punched him in the stomach. Niall winced as the pain was so bad. I tried to stop by going in the middle of the boys but Niall pushed me as i fell into the door hitting my eye, splitting my eyebrow. Louis seperated the boys as Harry came over to me with who i assumed was his girlfriend. Niall hit the wall with his fist, he took a deep breath and went into the bathroom. I went to sit up when Harry's hand stopped me. 'We need to take you to hospital, you've split your eyebrow, your whole face is starting to bruise.' 'But Niall, i can't believe i let this happen.' I put my hand up to my face as i felt blood dripping down my face. Zayn was standing there looking down on me. He mouthed the words slut to me. 'STOP CALLING ME THAT! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU ZAYN! WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME AND NIALL! IT'S HIM I LOVE NOT YOU!' i stood up pushing Zayn into the wall. Harry pulled me back, i suddenly felt so dizzy. 'I don't feel so well.' I felt myself fall, all i could see was blackness.

Niall's POV

I sat in the bathroom wiping my cuts. I watched my hand as it swelled up. That's when i heard Madison shouting at Zayn, that's when i heard Madison say she loves me... Maybe we could give it another go. I came out of the bathroom as i saw Madison collapse. 'w-wha' I couldn't get any words out of my mouth. I had caused this. Blue lights flashed through the window as there was a knock at the door. Louis answered it. Two paramedics came in as they looked over Maddie's injuries, they put her on a stretcher. 'I want to go in the ambulance.' I said. Harry said he'd follow behind. I looked back when i saw Zayn sitting with his head in his hands slouching against the wall.


Madison's POV

I woke up in the hospital. I wasn't sure what to do or say. I felt a hand touch my hand, it wasn't Niall, the hand was small, i turned round to see Alexa sitting there with her teddy in one hand. 'L-Lex.' I went to lift her up onto my bed as i felt a terrible pain in my side. I fell back on the bed. 'Mads, are you okay?' She climbed onto the bed herself. 'Yeah, i've missed you so much!' I stroked Alexa's forehead. She smiled 'There's a boy watching us.' I looked up to the window where Alexa was pointing. It was Niall. He noticed us looking at him as he walked in. His hand was wrapped up. 'I'm so sorry Niall.' My voice cracked. 'I was just staying to make sure you were okay, looks like you are, i have to go, go find a new home. See you around.' Niall left a kiss on my forehead. It was like we were strangers, like he was talking to a ghost. He left heading for the exit. The girl with Ginger hair and green eyes came in. She held Alexa's hands 'Why don't you go get a sweet out of the vending machine with that boy with the curly hair over there!' She smiled pointing to Harry. Alexa didn't refuse, she loved sugary things!'

'I'm Poppy by the way. How are you feeling?' Finally i could put a name to the face, 'I'm okay, So your Harry's girlfriend?' I asked smiling. Poppy giggled 'Yes, he's perfect! I don't think you would know, you have a few broken ribs. But the nurse said you would definitely get to go home soon.' Poppy smiled. 'Oh, umm i don't have a home to go to. Anyway do you have a mirror for me to check my face.' i asked. 'Sure, it should be in my bag somewhere. I'm sure you could stay with Harry and I just while you get something sorted.' Poppy passed the mirror to me. I gasped at the state of my face, I had stitches over my eyebrow and the left side of my face was red and black, i couldn't even remember how i hit my cheek, and how was it possible that i had broken my rib? 'Thanks, Are you sure. Don't you think it would annoy Niall?' 'Of course not. He still likes you Madison! He was worried sick waiting out there, he even went with you in the ambulance.' Harry walked in with Alexa who had a face covered in chocolate. We all laughed at her. 'I got all your stuff from Niall's place, it's in my car.' Harry said. Harry had seen all my stuff! my face heated with embarrassment. 'I told her she could stay with us for a while.' Harry nodded agreeing. 'Is my mum here?' i asked nervously. 'No, well she was but she had to leave, there had been some sort of emergency at her work. So we will have to go in by to drop Alexa off on the way home.' Harry smiled. 'Of course, it's always work before family for her!' I said quietly. 'Are you not coming home Mads?' Alexa looked confused. 'No, baby, not today, but i will pick you up after school tomorrow, we can go and get a milkshake together.' I smiled. 'Okay.'

It was 9pm by the time i got discharged. Harry pulled up to my house. Alexa had fallen asleep. 'H Harry could you take her in? it's just i don't really want to see my mum after everything.' I whispered trying not to wake Alexa. Harry got out of the car and carried Alexa up to my house. My mum answered the door. I think she tried to come over to see me but Harry's hand stopped her. I was so glad he had stopped her, i'd had enough drama for one day. Harry walked back to the car. 'She says she hopes you're okay and sorry for everything.' Harry smiled at me sympathetically.

When we arrived at Harry's house i got shown my room, i went straight to bed trying to think what i would tell everyone at school tomorrow. 

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