Part 21

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'I..I Can't have children.'

Those words, four words that i never thought i would hear made my heart thud. I didn't know what to say or do so i just sat, kneeling down beside Madison, comforting her as she cried and cried.

'You must be Mr Horan.' a doctor interrupted, looking sympathetic.

'Y..yes.' I trembled as the words came out.

'This must be a big shock to the both of you, the best thing you could do though is carry on with your lives right now, Madison, you are only young so you have plenty of time to think about different options for the future. I have some tablets here that will reduce bleeding and any pain you will suffer over the next week. I advise that you take it easy for the next couple of days.' The doctor handed Madison a packet of tablets gave a sorryful look and walked away slowly.

'Come on babe, let's get home.' I said helping Madison up as she walked using me as a support. She was so fragile right now.


Two months later

Madison's POV

Today was the day! Niall was coming home! I had gone over to America for a week to see him last month. He was now going to be home with me for a whole month and a half before they set off for Australia!

I passed my driving test last month so i had organised to pick Niall up from the airport, i couldn't wait! After the news of me probably not having children it brought Niall and i closer, i don't know why. We just check up on each other more often. I have moved back in with Niall and added a bit of a feminine touch to his appartment!

My mum has been brilliant. She has supported me so much and we seem like we are both on better terms now, which i'm so happy about.


I made my way to the airport, i arranged over the excellent skype to meet Niall where the escalators were at the airport as the boys were expecting quite a few fans to be there and it could be quite mad!

My phone buzzed in my pocket and i quickly pulled it out to see a text from my beautiful Niall 'Hey honey, that's us landed, should be with you in about forty minutes.. love you xxxx' His texts always made my heart melt! Forty minutes.... i decided to go for a quick starbucks!

I ordered my favourite; chocolate cream! I sat at a table reading a magazine. 'Hey Madison! We love you!' Three girls came up to me, they were so sweet! I told them to take a seat and we spent about twenty minutes talking about the boys! 'It's nice to know that some of you like me!' I laughed as the girls gazed at me.. i found this quite weird! What was there to like about me! 'Yeah, we're sorry about that so called fan that pushed you over!' One of the girls said.. I coughed awkwardly and stood up tucking my chair in, 'It's okay. I've got to get off now, it was nice meeting you guys.' I smiled quickly making my way back to the escalators as i was expecting to see Niall any minute now!

I saw two figures, one blonde and one dark haired at the top of the escalators, as they got closer i realised it was Niall and Zayn. I couldn't keep in my excitement and let out a squeal. As Niall got to the bottom i ran towards him, jumping into his arms squeezing him tightly. 'I've missed you so much!' I cried, i couldn't resist him, i kissed him hard on the lips and then whispered 'please can we get home, i need you so bad.' I bit my lip teasingly. Niall blushed, then took my hands.

'We have to drop Zayn off first. I love you so much and can't wait for us to be properly reunited!' He whispered in my ear. I almost forgot Zayn, he just stood there awkwardly! We made our way to my car. 'You ready to witness my amazing driving skills!' I squealed looking at Niall and Zayn. For some reason they looked nervous about it!

Once we had dropped Zayn off, i speeded back to Niall's, i parked the car. Niall was about to get his suitcase when i told him there was plenty time for that later. I grabbed hold of his hands and ran up to the flat with him.

'I have missed you so badly.' I said, kissing Niall. Our clothes made a path towards the bedroom where Niall lifted me up and laid me down on the bed. He came on top of me kissing my neck and slowly removing my underwear. We both let out moans as Niall rocked me hard. His clamy body hovering over mine. I was breathless but couldn't get enough of Niall's touch. I pulled him closer into me kissing his chest and feeling every part of his body. Niall gave me a huge thrust which made me dig my nails into his back whilst i screamed his name out. He started laughing but soon kissed me hard, the same sparks i had when i first kissed Niall appeared again. I grabbed the bed sheets as Niall thrusted again, this time we both moaned, i wouldn't be surprised if the neighbours heard!


I was awoken by the sun glaring into my eyes. Niall had a towel around his waist, he had obviously just been for a shower. 'Good morning beautiful!' He said leaning down to give me a kiss.

'When did i fall asleep?' I asked not remembering anything after Niall's last thrust!

Niall chuckled to himself 'You fell asleep on top of me.. that's all i'm going to say! But you were great! Maybe i should go away more often!'

'Nooo please don't! I want you with me forever!' I laughed, just about to get up until i realised i had no clothes on. 'Babe, can you pass me some underwear please.' I asked blushing from embarrasment. Niall picked out my most sexy underwear... A black lace bra and pants. I put them on then went through to the kitchen to let Niall get changed.

I made myself some toast spreading butter on whilst i danced to the blaring music. I turned around, i had to take two glimpses.. 'HARRY! What are you doing here!' I screamed whilst i covered myself up with a tea towel. He quickly covered his eyes and headed back to the lounge, banging his head on the cupboard door which i couldn't help laughing at.

I quickly ran through to the bedroom and told Niall he was here whilst i put a pair of shorts and a t shirt on. I then got a damp cloth for Harry to put against his head. 'Thankyou.. And sorry about that! I did knock but i guess you couldn't hear because of the music.' He smiled.

I took a seat next to Niall on the sofa whilst Harry sat opposite on the single red seat. 'So what did you come round for?' Niall asked.

'Oh yeah. I was wondering if you guys wanted to come with Poppy and i to Paris for a long weekend?' Harry exclaimed.

'Umm, we'd love to but Maddie has to go back to school next week-' Niall was saying until i interrupted.

'Actually, Niall, I was going to tell you later today, I'm not going to school anymore, i got accepted in college for an art and design course that starts after next summer, the school said that i had all the grades that i needed for it and that there wasn't really a reason for me to stay at school.' I smiled, I was so excited for this course but i had like a year to spend with Niall which would be amazing!

Niall couldn't hide the smile at the fact i had so much time to spend with him. 'Are you sure that's the right desicion?' He asked still smiling. I nodded my head and then told Harry we would love to go to Paris!

'Okay, well that's a relief because i've already booked the tickets and the hotel! We are leaving tomorrow lunch time.' Harry smiled 'See you then!' He said walking out the door.

'Paris!!! I can't wait!' I squealed jumping onto Niall as our lips crashed against each other.

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