Part 26

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'Hey mum.' I shouted as Niall and I arrived for dinner.

'Oh hey guys, how are you both?' My mum replied hugging Niall and kissing me on the cheek.

'We're both good. Where's Alexa?' I asked. My mum told me she was in her room. I left Niall with my mum in the kitchen and then ran upstairs to see Lex. I walked into her room which was the brightest shade of pink. Alexa had the biggest collection of teddy bears I have ever seen, they were all lined up on top of her dressing table and spread all over her bed.

'Mads!!' She shouted running up to me and jumping into my arms. 'Where have you been?' She asked looking into my eyes.

'Paris. I got you a present!' I handed Lex a big box.

'WOW!' She screamed 'I love it! Thankyou!' She squealed. I had bought her a huge brown bear and a little French designed tea party set.

We then both walked downstairs. My mum put the football on for Niall and handed him a beer. He was quite content.

'So what have you been up to today honey?' My mum asked.

'I unpacked from Paris, we had the most amazing time and then I went to visit dad.'

'Did you cope?'

'It was okay. I saw Jacob after, I didn't know he visited dad.' I said.

'Yeah, he visits him every few weeks. He got on really well with your dad.' My mum sighed.

Dinner was served roast chicken with potatoes, broccoli and carrots. Niall cut up Alexa's dinner, it was so cute.

'You'll need to visit my family soon.' Niall said.

'Yeah I guess so, I've never been to Ireland before.' I smiled eating my dinner.

'Really! You'll love it. My mum is moving here in a couple of months. So you'll probably see a lot more of her.' He smiled.


*4 months later*

Niall arrived back from his 2 month trip to Australia and Around that area. I flew out a month ago for two weeks. I also spent a week with Lauren and Beth. They both moaned at me for never having time for them anymore. I felt so bad but then the time I spent with them was really good involving a trip to Alton Towers theme park which was amazing.

Niall arrived back yesterday and was still in bed as he's got jet lag. He thinks it's night time right now. The next six months he has off.. Well from touring at least, the boys are going to start working on a new album sometime in the near future.

Christmas was in a month and we decided to visit Niall's family in Ireland next week for me to meet them before we make plans to go over again for Christmas. I was really nervous, at least I have a week to prepare.

I tip toed into our bedroom where Niall was sound asleep. 'Morning babe.' I whispered into his ear.

He moaned, Niall hated being woken up. I gently pushed his hair back from his forehead and lightly dragged my hands down his chest.

He eventually opened his blue eyes squinting at me. He then sat up yawning. 'No no no!! Morning breath ewww please go brush your teeth!' I moaned pushing him out of the bed. He lifted himself up and trailed his feet towards the bathroom.

When he came back he fell onto the bed and stared at me. 'So why did you wake me up?' He smirked.

'I missed you.' I smiled tapping him on the nose.

'Oh okay.' He said and then turned around trying to fall asleep again.

'Niall!!' I moaned 'turn around.' I tried rolling him back over but I was too weak. I stood up and walked round to his side of the bed. I crouched down so I was at his level. 'Wake up sleeping beauty.' I laughed. He then suddenly got up and jumped out of the bed. He pushed me down onto the carpet and then sat on top of me. 'You should know what happens when you wake me up by now..' He grinned.

'Fuck.' I said and then Niall started tickling me. 'Stop stoppp!!' I screamed squirming about. Niall found this hilarious.

He finally stopped and then lay on top of me kissing my smile. 'You are hilarious when you scream.' Niall laughed.

'At least I finally woke you up.' I teased back. I then rolled Niall over and crashed my lips onto his. Niall's hands slowly slid down to my hips.

Niall's POV

Maddie bit her lip teasingly making me want her more and more. I sat up and lifted her onto the bed. I kissed her more before moving to her neck and sucking the area below her ear. She moaned as I thrusted. Madison then pulled at my hair moaning loudly. I unbuttoned her dress that she was wearing. I then thrusted really hard making Maddie moan so loud and grab the bed sheets. I thrusted again before being so exhausted and tired i couldn't carry on. 'Whats wrong?' She asked.

'Nothing.. Just tired.' I said rolling off of her.'

'This jet lag is really fucking you up babe.' Madison laughed.

'I'll be fine tomorrow. Why don't you go and see Lauren or something?' I suggested.

Madison nodded getting dressed again and then did her make up and put her hair up. 'I guess I'll see you later then.. Sleep tight.' She said kissing me on the head.

Madison's POV

I got into my car and looked at myself in the mirror. 'Shit.' I whispered as I noticed the big red bruise on my neck. I quickly covered it up the best I could with concealer.

There was a massive traffic jam as I made my way to Lauren's. It was so frustrating as her house was only a mile away and the turning was literally like 6 feet ahead.

The car next to me had two teenage girls in it who obviously loved the boys. They started taking pictures of me and I found it so uncomfortable. Finally the traffic moved on.

I arrived at Lauren's and knocked on her door. It took about five minutes for her to answer it. 'Oh hey Mads.'

'Hello. Can I come in?' I asked.

'Umm well -' she was interrupted

'Oh hey Madison.' Omg! Jacob had hooked up with Lauren. I couldn't keep the grin off my face.

Lauren's cheeks were soooo red.

'Hey Jacob.. Have you guys had fun then?' I asked making everything awkward. Jacob laughed.. Sometimes he could be a bit of a lad.

'Why don't you come in? I was just going anyway.' Jacob said. I nodded. Lauren went to go and put more clothes on as Jacob sat with me.

'Soo are you two an item?' I asked.

'I don't know. She's gorgeous and everything. We just hooked up last night when we bumped into each other at a restaurant..' He explained to me.

Lauren came back into the lounge and the Jacob went and got changed. 'Finally we got together!' Lauren squealed. 'Remind me to get his number before he goes.' She smiled.

I nodded my head I wondered if they were actually going to become something more serious... I hoped so!

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