Book 6: Chapter 1

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The subtle dripping that came from the ceiling echoed through out the large room, it was uncomfortable and damp, and yet for the past month it had become her temporary home as she has stayed in this place for so long. She almost forgot what the sun looked like since she's been down here for a while, if she did go out, she would be met by merpeople, grindylows, and if she was even lucky, a giant squid.

But those weren't the only creatures in the lake, no. Because no one ever bothered with the ruined castle, they wouldn't have known a large runespoor was found within it.

Finley though, she was a different story. After spending majority of her summer in this blasted dark ruined area of the lake, she only ever did try to convince those who needed to be convinced. This was how Dumbledore was using her, a recruiter, an errand runner, bait.

Her pride didn't like the idea of not knowing what was outside, but she was doing this for him and everyone else. If this runespoor was going to help? It would give them a fighting chance to fight, right?

She wasn't sure, how could she be sure, the most she got from this damned three headed snake was mockery on what she doesn't know, and airy warning. 'I should've just went home,' she thought to herself as she sat on the wet floor. She couldn't even remember the last time she had a decent meal, all she ever done was nibble on the boxed cereal she bought from a muggle store and it was enough to get her sugar fix but she was still hungry.

"You shouldn't be here."

"Yeah, I know," she scowled at the runespoor, their words now on repeat every time they appear before her. The left head telling her she wasn't meant to be here, the right head starting mock her, and the middle head who would say something about her death.

"I'm not meant to be here, Witches and Wizards only ever do is steal your eggs and make magical objects, and a knife through the heart," she huffed having enough of the damn words they tell her, yet instead of them repeating what she just said, they stared at her.

"What? Took your words out of your mouth?" She snapped glaring at the snake. "Is there something for me to do to get you on our side? Just tell me—"

"Your side?" The left head asked, lowering its head, "what exactly is your side?"

"The right side, the one that would protect everyone," she starts thinking of Harry as she said so, and yet something felt heavy on her chest as she thought of her friends. "Does that right side of yours include the ones you hold close?" The middle head asked her.

"Of course," she says, yet she felt unsure. She should be sure, her Slytherins had her back and she had hers, right?

"Are you certain?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" She tried to convince, but really she was trying to convince herself more.

"It's time for you to go little snake," the middle head softly says, eyes piercing into Finley as if it told her to hurry and leave. With no other questions, she backed away from the snake running towards her knapsack that had an undetectable extension charm, looking for her wand. She suddenly felt suffocated, she didn't know why but she did.

Readying her wand, she turns back towards the snake all heads staring at her as if they see what she isn't. With a mutter, she was gone from the damp cold place.

Finley didn't know where to go from this point on, she could go to Harry but she didn't think the Dursley's would appreciate her arrival. Her Aunt Petunia would shriek to find another 'freak' in her boring little home with her fat husband and a pig of a son. And staying with the Weasley's would be awkward considering how she's distanced herself from them from the previous year, nor could she stay at the Grimmauld place, the Black's family home was outright horrifying that it would definitely cause her another life.

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