Book 4: Chapter 18

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"Come seek us where our voices sound."

"The black lake, pretty obvious," Finley says as she smacked Sebastian and Ron with a book on the heads as she heard them snore, she was tired too but it doesn't actually give them the right to sleep before her. Both boys looked up at her and glared, Finley holding the golden egg, shoving it towards Ron.

"An hour long you'll have to look."

"Again, obvious. Though, admittedly, potentially problematic," Hermione points out before leaning on the table was reading on, with her thinking face on.

"Potentially problematic?" Harry snapped a look at Hermione in disbelief, he was going to look for something under the water for an hour. Does this woman know how human lungs work?

"When's the last time you held your breath under water for an hour Hermione?" Harry asked his friend who seemed off guard at his deadpan.

"Look, mate. If it helps you with anything, there's this muggle scuba gear thing in Hogsmaede, you can go in there and buy the scuba gear for five galleons and a pocket knife," Sebastian spoke as he offered Finley his seat seeing as she was looking like a sleep deprived trash panda.

"Really? Muggle scuba thing? Aren't those things heavy?" Finley inquires as she sit on the chair offered to her. "And isn't that against the rules?"

"No one said about using a muggle contraption for this, I mean isn't muggle studies an OWLs subject?" Sebastian asked, still questioning why they weren't considering muggle methods.

Ignoring what the Durmstrang boy said, Harry was about to knock his head on the fat book again, Hermione sitting next to him. "Look Harry, we can do this. The three of us can figure this out," she says.

Finley looks up at Sebastian who had just yawned, "Then what are we? Dust bunnies?" She slightly ranted to Bazz who just chuckled at her.

"Hate to break up the skull session," a voice said from the shelves. The five of them looked up and saw the Hogwarts' DADA professor, Professor Moody, staring at them.

"Professor McGonagall and Headmaster Dumbledore wants you in her office," he spoke chillingly. Finley slightly squinted her eyes at the presumably mad professor, her friends along with her brother made the move to stand up but the professor raised his hand.

"Not you, Potter and Weasley, just Miss Potter and Granger," he said as he eyed Finley oddly that Finley had a really strange feeling about it. She gripped Sebastian's hand slightly, she was getting a really bad feeling from this man for some reason. It was scaring her, especially his stupid eyeball.

"But sir, the second task is only hours away, and—" Hermione was cut off by the professor.

"Exactly. Presumably Potter is well prepared by now, and could do with a good night's sleep."

"Well he isn't Professor, and I would very much appreciate it if you could tell Professor McGonagall that she can tell us whatever it is she wants to tell us, tomorrow after the task," Finley spoke.

Moody narrowed his eyes at the girl slightly, she could feel like gaze making her angrier than more he stared. "Weasley!"

"Yea?" Ron asked, a bit startled by the Professor's sudden call.

"See to it, that you help Mister Potter with his plans for tomorrow's task, and help him with the books," he spoke before motioning for the girls to walk.

Standing up, Finley had her fists clenched, not liking how she was going to leave Harry alone to fend for himself in the task again. She felt a hand over her shoulder, it was Sebastian calming her down, smiling down at her. He subtly pushes Finley and Hermione from the book aisle, just passing the odd Professor.

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