Book 3: Chapter 21

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All eyes fell on Ron and his rat, it would have made proper sense really, if Sirius was a dog and Remus was a werewolf who wasn't to say the rat in the group took for of an actual rat as well.

"Me? He's mental!" Ron exclaimed holding scabbers to his chest afraid. He wasn't catching on to the events that was for sure.

"Not you! The rat!" Sirius exclaimed glaring at the rat who seemed to be shaking in fear.

"But scabbers has been in my family for—"

"Twelve years, quite a long life for a common Garden rat," Sirius paced closer, getting even more agitated by the minute as he neared the red head boy and his rat. "He's missing a toe isn't he?"

"So what?" Ron manages to ask in slight fear, trying desperately to move himself from the path Sirius Black was walking towards.

Harry thought about it carefully, the conclusion that was leading up to this was right there until he realised. "All they could find of Pettigrew was his—"

"Finger," Finley finishes. Now pieces were falling in to place as the mystery of Pettigrew's supposed death became clear. Now pacing towards Ron, if Sirius was right and the observation of the ugly rodent was right. The rat was stressed that someone was after it, like how a mouse would feel getting chased by a cat.

"What are you doing Finley?" Hermione gasped as Finley stood beside Hermione, failing to notice how cold Finley's eyes had become.

"Dirty coward cut it off so everyone would think he was dead! And then he transformed into a rat!"

"Rather smart for a rodent," Finley remarks, taking the rat from Ron catching everyone in the room off guard.

"Finley! Stop! What are you going to do with him!" Ron cries as he tried to stand up from where he sat. Hermione holding him down, afraid of how Finley looked to be squishing the air out of the rat with her bare hands.

"Show us," Harry demands, wand still pointing at Sirius who now glared at the rat in Finley's hand.

"Don't give Scabbers to him Finley! No!" Ron cried, begging for his rat's life. But it wasn't the time for sentiments, they all wanted the truth. With one last squeeze causing the rat to squeak, she tossed the rat to Sirius who now held Harry's wand.

"Leave him alone!" Ron continued to beg, but now it became a mouse chase. Missing the running rat around the room, before it could get through a hold on the wall, both men managed to hit it with a spell. The rodent now turned to a man, Ron stopped yelling for the torment to stop, he was as stunned Finley, Harry, and Hermione were.

Pulling the man out of the blasted hole on the wall, Finley's eyes sparked in familiarity. It soon burned, not in fear, heavens far from it. This was the man she kept seeing in her dreams, the man who killed the golden haired woman every time she dreamed of him.

"Remus? Sirius. My old friends!" And the former rodent man tried to escape once more, and yet mysteriously his legs turned into jelly.

"You!" Finley gritted, her eyes blazed in anger. Her wand out shaking in fury, no more was the pain it turned to power, she felt even more powerful than she has ever been in with her wand.

"Harry! Look at you. You look so much like your father," Peter neared Harry, his disgusting hands were up attempting to hold Harry. "You look like James. We were best of friends—"

But was stopped when he felt himself fall back with great force and was met with a new pair of emerald green eyes. "How dare you speak to Harry like that! How dare you speak ofmy dad after you betrayed him!" Finley seethed in the most deadly tone no one thought she was capable of producing.

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