Book 5: Chapter 15

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The bluish white wisp took the shape of a Phoenix, listening close enough, Finley heard a familiar voice of Dumbledore and sighed. Knowing that the old man found out about her being alive this soon, it was problematic to the things she was planning to do.

"I would like to have a word with you. I favour lemon drops lately, don't you?"

Wand tucked in her hoodie pocket, she was standing in front of Dumbledore's office, the last time she was here, she disappeared for two days, returning later on dead. She somehow still had the compass that he gave her, it was in Harry's possession during her funeral, but he didn't really know what it was. Muttering the password, entering the office where she saw a beautiful bird perched on the corner.

She's heard many stories of Dumbledore having a phoenix as a pet, she's convinced that it was real but never really desired to see for herself. She only got the confirmation from Harry in their second year when it healed him from the basilisk venom.

"Good evening Miss Zabini," a voice said from behind her. "Or would you prefer me to call you Miss Potter still?"

"Anything is fine Albus," Finley spoke, her tone now guarded and cold, her red eyes snakelike as a defence mechanism against the man who lead her to death, essentially.

"I believe a welcome back is long over due?"

"Cut to the chase Professor, what is it that you want?" Finley sharply spoke, impatient at the Headmaster's unrelated exchange of words. Anticipated to learn how the old man found out that she was back in Hogwarts in another name.

Dumbledore chuckled, finding the girl's impatience amusing. He has turned a blind eye on her subtle rebelling against the new professor, he could see the mistrust in her as well.

"Do you so wish to unite the houses Miss Potter?" He finally asked.

"I do actually," Finley replied, no hesitation in her voice. "But not in the way where you can use them," she adds. Dumbledore's eyes flicked with amusement.

"And why do you think I would like to use you?"

"Because you just can," Finley shrugged, she was holding a grudge about her death, you can't really take that away from her in the first place. "I hope that you would think twice about betraying me or my house, or Harry, Professor," she declared. "Because if what I've seen through your mind about Harry's fate, I will so much haunt you til your dying days."

The Defence Against Dark Arts meetings were very successful, every student that joined (which is not to Finley's surprise, the majority of the school) had the progress that could definitely over throw Umbridge and her tyrannical teaching. Of course she was going to laugh at how hilarious the joint lessons for the four house were going to be, but still it made her worry.

She stood next to her best friends and Astoria in the corner, she could hear the twins bet on who was going to win the mock duel, Harry had suggested. This was between Hermione and Ron, she had confidence that Hermione could do it, after all, she's the brightest witch of her age.

"Weasley's going down," Blaise mused as he saw Ron walk to the other side of the room, confidence weighed on his shoulders like he was better than The Hermione Granger because he was a boy. Okay, that was wrong, but at the moment, he had confidence that he was going to finally be a good at something she isn't.

"Weasley twins are betting sickles, what are you going to bet?" Finley heard Theo ask.

"My 37 karat gold pocket watch."

Finley face palmed, of course they were going to make bets on this one. She was thankful that Draco wasn't here, he volunteered to go and keep watch of Umbridge's moves for the time being. The woman creeped them out, that small woman held so much terror that she wanted to shove her in somewhere holy and cleanse her there.

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