When in the Snake Pit II

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Define a typical Slytherin evening in the common room. Well there's—um, and then— uh...

You can't list anything down, these bastards don't really spend their evening in the the cold ass common room, not unless one of the Slytherins were kind enough to set the fireplace with a hot flame. But when they do, the older years, would definitely be down stairs chattering the night away. Younger years, they would be playing chess and such, and the students the middle year's especially the ones in their OWLs year would be staring blankly at the fire, re thinking their courses, and life choices (possibly).

And this evening was no different than the rest of the evening in the cold dungeon common room. Only a few students were out at this time of night, all snuggled in their big comforters, in their fluffy pyjamas, holding their pillows to their chests. Two could be seen playing a game of a muggle game scrabble (though they always ignore the rules and use it to cuss at one another). One of them would be seen reading.

"Hey Ken? What word starts with a B and ends with an itch?" One person who was playing scrabble asked the one who was reading, as he glared at the one sitting across him.

"I don't know," the other boy, Ken, shrugged as he flipped the book that he was reading.

"What about a word that starts with a C and end with an unt," the other player asked smirking at the sneering player across him.

"Shut up Macabee!"

"You shut up Plague!"

"Both of you shut up!" The boy Ken scolded his two friends who were about to yell at each other, they would get a hexing if they woke up the whole dungeon, they weren't suppose to be out in the common room especially with the fifth years still studying for their OWLs.

Ending with a huff, both players still glared at each other, picking up letter from their pile.

"I'll place my M next to your 'other' to make Motherfucker."

"I'll place my A in 'kisser' to make Ass kisser—"

"That's not how you play the game!" Ken snapped at his two friends, grabbing the letters and the board, placing them back in the box. They were disgracing the morals of the game and it pissed him off, more so because it was his game board in the first place.

"He started it!"

"And I'm ending it," Ken glares at the two, clutching at the box that contained the board game. Silence filled the common room once again, getting boring as each minute passes. Ken continued reading while the other two who didn't have anything better to do kept staring at each other.

As if the silence was too much, Ken sighed in exasperation, standing up from his chair and stomping up his dorm. Two of his friends didn't know what he was going to do at this point, but as he left they laid down on the floor. Not even five minutes, Ken came back but with a stack of cards.

"You don't honestly believe in that tarot card bullshit those muggles believe in?" One of Ken's friends deadpans, raising his brow at Ken.

Ken smirks, "Since you two love cussing at each other, let me introduce you to a game of Uno."

Blaise came down the steps from his dorm, holding his bag of necessities and his towel, robe poorly tied as he groggily walks down. He was always the first person to wake up in the Slytherin house, reason? The he gets to hog the hot water in the morning, leaving the late wakers to suffer the freezing cold water.

"Take that you filthy Backstabbing butt wipe!" A roar was heard in the common room, it was accompanied with a wail of defeat. Was it alarming? No. But was it enough to peak his curiosity?

He peered over to the pillar that lead to the couches, he could see three Slytherin boys arguing at each other whilst dropping cards on a pile.

"You fucking wanker! How dare you drop three plus fours! I trusted you!"

"You're mistake bitch! That's what you get for cancelling my turns!"


Blaise didn't know which was more amusing. The fact that there were three third year Slytherin boys playing a muggle game looking like cavemen, or the fact that Snape was actually watching by the entrance with a look that was contemplating wether to interrupt the scathing game the three were playing.

But he would never know, he continued walking to the showers as if he didn't see anything.


It's Rayah....

Let me explain!!!!

I live in a place where hurricanes are frequent, and quite recently the last hurricane that came was too strong that it caused too much damage in our area hence the power outage as well as communication. I was writing the update for Miss Slytherin, but unfortunately I didn't get to finish it because my source to keep the information in my book canon is through rewatching the whole movie. (Yes, I feel ashamed for not basing it on the books, but I truly don't have most of the HP books)

I can't guarantee that the updates will be her as promised, we will just have to wait for things to get back on the normal pace. For the mean time...

Thank you so much for the votes, the reads, and the overwhelming feedback on my book. I hope you don't mind the massive delays and the unkept promises on the updates, I will try to do better for all of you.

63.4k reads is big for me, and I thank you for that. Unfortunately, the book ends when I reach the last HP book, but I will keep posting 'when in the Snake pit' chapters. I hope you like them, because I will be rearranging them once I finish the books.

Again, Thank you all so much!


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