Book 5: Chapter 4

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Harry invested his wealth well, and he has proven that the moment he saw the Weasley twins pull out an ear. Much like the toy telephones that he saw the children in Little Whinging play with growing up, like the string and the cans, this was an actual ear and a string. Extendable ears they call it, very handy, too handy to be called a toy actually and Harry doesn't know if he should be alarmed or not.

"If anyone has the right to know, it's Harry. If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't even know Voldemort was back. He's not a child Molly," Sirius' voice spoke from ear Fred was holding. The five of them huddled in one of the staircases trying to over hear the meeting.

"But he's not an adult either!" They hear Mrs Weasley exclaim. "He's not James, Sirius."

"Well, he's not your son."

"He's as good as, who else has he got?" they hear the woman say and Sirius went silent. Harry felt touched at what thy were arguing about, but at the moment curiosity was killing him. What was it that he needed to find out? What should he know?

He looks up slightly to see Ginny huddle in the middle of her brothers, she smiled at him and he smiled back. "Hey, Ginny."

"He's got me," Sirius finally says.

"How touchingly paternal, Black. Perhaps Potter will grow up to be a felon, just like his godfather," another voice says that was too familiar for Harry to mishear.

"Now, you stay out of this, Snivellus."

"Snape's part of the Order?" Harry asks Ron who was slight above him.

"Git," Ron could only say in distaste, not really up for explanation on how and why the greasy potions Professor was here.

It was then that the six of them noticed the ginger half kneazle cat Crookshanks now playing with the dangling ear that it alarmed them.

"Get it off!"


"Get it up!" Ron tells Fred.

"Crookshanks!" Hermione scolds her cat who was down below, playing with the other end of the ear. "Stop it!"

"Get off, you bloody cat."

"Crookshanks, leave it alone!"

"Get it up!"

But no, the cat did not stop, in the end the extendable ear broke. The cat now walking away with the other ear in his mouth.

"I hate your cat, Hermione," Ron remarks as he glared at Hermione.

"Bad Crookshanks," Hermione sighed in defeat.

"You hungry, Harry?" Mrs Weasley asked Harry just after she yelled at the twins who teleported themselves to where she was a few seconds ago.

"You sure you're alright, Harry? Gave us quite a turn," Mr Weasley came, placing an arm around his wife's shoulders greeting Harry properly. Harry only smiled at the couple, and there he saw a familiar figure behind them.

"Harry Potter." Sirius stood behind the Weasley couple, the two separating slowly as Harry's smile was from ear to ear, excitement in his chest. He got to see his godfather again.

"Sirius!" He exclaims as he ran towards the man's arms into a hug. Oh, good Lord had he wished to see at least someone he knew who didn't really treat him like a child. "I wished I could've been there, my boy."

"I wished you were there too," Harry muttered under his breath, eyes stinging with tears he wanted to keep holding on to. "I'm here now, yeah?"

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