Book 5: Chapter 17

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"If you keep staring at my sister like that Harry, I will sock you with my chicken," Ron scolded his best friend as they sat on the Gryffindor table, it was obvious that Ron wasn't already happy with his sister dating (before he could), and it wasn't helping that his best friend was crushing on her too.

"Shut up Ronald, let him have his moment. Cho already has Cedric after all," Hermione scolded Ron as well, he just can't seem to shut up while he has his mouth full. "And there's nothing wrong about Harry crushing on Ginny. She's smart, funny, and very good in quidditch, not to mention that she's popular in her year, she's very pretty."

All the bickering from his two friends, Harry's attention that was previously on Ginny and her boyfriend, was now on his sister who sat at the other table with her eyes blank and puffy. She had been crying for sure, and it bothered him that he didn't know what was going on. And so he stood up.

"Harry?" Hermione calls for him, trying to have him sit back down. "What are you doing?"

"Something's wrong with her," Harry whispered subtly motioning to Finley who didn't seem thrilled at the sight of the food on the table. Normally she would be the first to grab what ever food was in front of her.

"It might be something that Malfoy did."

"You can't just jump and accuse Malfoy, Harry. He promised to take care of her remember?"

"I know! But—" he was cut off by Hermione pulling him down on his seat completely.

"We can see her later, okay? You can ask her then," Hermione whispers, looking up towards the pink woman who plastically giggled with a stoic faced Snape. "Not here when everyone can see."

The session was up once again, most of the older Slytherins were gone and joined the inquisitorial squad for the other's safety too. Zabini and Nott gave Harry their word that they will lead Filch away from the new entrances that the room produced. The only students left were fourth years to second, they could tutor the first years whenever they can but not in the room.

Harry looked around, seeing Cedric and Cho sparring with one another. The twins against their friends, Ron with Dean, Hermione with one of the Patils. He walked around the room and spotted his sister sitting in the corner of the room where a book shelf was at. She was reading rather vigorously, like she was desperate at looking for something, she had always been like that, but this time was different. She was reading, but she wasn't focused, she was flipping through the pages mindlessly that it bothered him at how bothered she was.

"Blythe," Harry called, she didn't look up. She didn't respond. "Blythe," he tried again, but nothing. He placed both of his hands on her shoulder and shook her lightly, "Finley," he softly called, completely snapping her from the trance she was in.

"What?" She asked, her voice cracked indicating that she had been crying nit too long ago.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked her, looking straight into her eyes. "Be honest."

Finley pursed her lips, and shook her head no. Harry sighed, pushing her down to sit on the floor as he crouched down. This was the first time he ever saw his own sister like this, she always seemed so strong, he assumed that she was like this all the time. And he mistook a front to be what she really feels, he was ashamed to assume so.

"What happened?" He asked, taking out his wand and casting a muffling spell for no one to hear. He respected her privacy enough for that.

"That woman," Finley spoke. "She... she's so evil," she broke down, clutching her knees and laid her forehead on them. It wasn't something Harry didn't know already, he spent half his school year in detention with her after all. But something told him that it wasn't what she meant.

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