4.5 - Live 1. Coaching. So much coaching

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- Well-well, who's there, - I heard a very familiar voice from behind. A moment later she appeared in front of me. I recognized her light brown hair with a neon blue strand on the left, her big eyes and face features that could only belong to one person - myself. There was some difference, though - her cheekbones seemed sharper, eyelids had a slight touch of "smokey", and blue in her hair was diffused with a gradient of blond on the tips. She was very similar to a girl that I see in the mirror every day, but she somehow seemed... Better, I suppose. More confident, more calm, more wise...

- Who are you? - I asked her. She rolled her eyes.

- Haven't you get it yet? I'm Wonder-Alice, - she said, - The one that you should have become a long time ago.

- Why am I not you, then? - I continued.

- You ask youself.

- Oh, yeah, - another figure stepped in. Those almond-shaped eyes and curls I recognized as well, - I was here all the time to support you. But you don't seem to have changed.

- Why do you keep hiding? Why are you so indecisive? - Wonder-Alice attacked again. Another person in black cloak appeared behind her.

- You're 23, you're not a teen anymore! - said my Karma, - I can't always pull you through life!

- Do something already! - Mika joined. He even stepped forward, grabbed my shoulders and tugged me up.

- Don't let me down,- he said, then released me...

...And I plop down on the floor of my bedroom. I'm tangled in the sheets, and my sore knee screams for attention. I'm still in my hostel room, and it's 10:22 am.

That was a weird dream. And weirdly specific. Well, at least, I slept well.

I get back on my bed and lie there for a minute, enjoying silence in the room - and in my consciousness. Today it all will be over. No more risk to be caught.

No more feeling guilty. No more feeling special...

Recent dream haunts my thoughts as I travel though Paris to Mika. I still can't decide what I'm going to tell him. Should I tell the truth, should I say that I'm not interested, or just give up and keep everything as it is?

I guess I am too indecisive. Even by the way I use "I guess" too frequently.

"Just like your father", Mom would say. She tried keep me away from his influence, but I gue... obviously, she failed.
Ambitions and insecurity is probably the worst combination for a performer.
Complete it with general anxiety, and I have a feeling that I'll break down on Saturday. I was never ready for that much stress.

- Bad day, huh? I can almost see the stormcloud above your head, - Mika says when he sees me, - Not that I'm surprised, there seems to be something on your mind at all times. Come on, let's hug it out.

And once I see Mika's shiny smile and get into his warm embrace, my worries melt like snow under spring sun. My coach meets me as always, cheerfully, friendly, just enough to make me feel better. And now I don't want to end all this anymore.

But I have to.

- I need to talk to you, - I say to him when we enter the studio, using the backdoor, and Mika reads my mind again.

- What, you want to end the meetings? - he guesses. I nod.

- It's too dangerous. If someone lets the public know...

- You shouldn't worry about it, - he replies, as he unlocks the boot, - I wouldn't offer you things like this if I wasn't sure it's safe. The paparazzi aren't a problem.

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