1.2 - Room Full Of Strangers. Flori

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We have a quick conversation, in which it turns out that Adel, who was actually born in France, speaks my mother tongue better than me. Shame on me. I tell a little bit about myself - mom is a French teacher, we moved to Cannes when I was 8, then parents divorced and I still live with my mom now. Then Adel says that he doesn't know who is his target coach, and I, habitually, start telling him about Mika and how cool he is, fully aware that I might be creating a rival right now. But do I really care about it? My aim here is not the victory. Right?

I say the same thing to Carine, the other host, who interrupts us and gets me to the couch for one more little interview. When it's over, Adel, as well as my new friends, disappears. Can't blame them, this place is huge, and perhaps their turn had come as well...


- You're here for Mika, aren't you? - I hear from a girl who's sitting on the couch across, and when I give her a questioning glance, she nods at the colorful "Kukulakuku" that's on my wrist. I instinctively touch it - my precious. A gift from my friends.

- It's Mika's, huh? - the girl continues.

- Yep. How do you know?

- Learned some things about the coaches before coming here, - she says, shrugging, - In case Garou don't choose me. It's better if you're prepared, right.

She is about 24-25. Large dark brown eyes, black shoulder-length hair, a hat, a stylish jacket, white shirt, pierced lip - she certainly stands out from the crowd. Strange accent, something between Canadian French and English. There's a small silver pendant in the shape of a howling wolf on her neck. Is she a garoumaniac?

After a moment of silence, she looks at me again.

- You know that Mika's team is full?

I frown. Yes, my performance is one of the last, and I've been thinking about this - what if I'm late? My inner pessimist rejoices.

- Well, almost full, - the girl hastens to correct, seeing my reaction, - I heard that he has already 10 people out of 12. You do know how cautious he is towards the end. Janine - that lady over there - also wanted to be in his team, and, I believe, she sings right before you.

She points behind me, I turn around and see a beautiful woman of 35-something. She would be more appropriate for Florent, but ...

- She's singing "Exercises in Free Love" by Freddie Mercury, - says the Garoumaniac and frowns, - You know this song? It's massive. I don't want, of course, to upset you, but it's better to know right away, isn't it?

Damn. This song is as cool as "The Great Gig In The Sky", but even harder. Singers who can pull out pieces like this are like hot cakes here.

- Well, then, let it be, - I say, pretending to be indifferent, - I'm not losing anything. Singing lesson plus free hugs with Mika - it's already a big luck!

The Garou girl laughs.

- You've got a point,- she replies, - I wish I can share your optimism. I'm so scared, my turn's coming. I'm Flori, by the way. From Newfoundland.

- Alice, Cannes.

We shake hands.

- Not gonna lie, you look promising... Well, like everyone else here. You know, the whole cast is amazing this year, - she says then, - Which means the coaches are more severe and picky. So I don't even hope for all four chairs, I'm okay with any of them.
She pauses.
- Well, expect Jenifer. God please, not Jenifer.

- Want some advice for the future? - a 17-18 year old boy, who looks like a character from some steampunk anime, rises out of nowhere, - Sing a song of your unwanted coach next time. They never take the singer with their song.

- Max, - sighs Flori, who is spooked, but obviously knows the guy, - I'm gonna kill you someday.

- What?... - Max asks, but I don't listen to them anymore.

Great. That's freakin amazing... I knew about that "never pick someone with you song" thing, but still I'd chosen a piece by Mika. Haven't I thought about it? Well, I have, actually. In the end, I came here for Mika, not victory. Did I say it before?

- Flo, I think we scared her, - Max remarks, throwing a curious gaze at me. Flori seems to agree, for she tries to make up for all the worrying things she said:
- Well... Maybe they changed the strategy this year. Maybe you'll be so cool they couldn't resist, right?
- Right, - I flabby agree.

A moment later, one of the staff members calls out a number, and Flori excitedly grabs a numbered bracelet on her hand. It's her turn.

- Good luck, - I whisper to her, - It's gonna be ok.

She nods and says:

- See you on TV.

Gracefully adjusting her hat, she gets up and follows the man, leaving me in slight confusion.

Yes, I am here on a dare, I didn't plan, didn't expect anything. But now, when I'm so close to the greatest adventure in life, I do not want to lose! If Mika doesn't choose me, my heart will be broken!

Stop, stop, Alice, - I say to myself, - Enough. I can see him live, right? Even better, I will hug him, hear his advice, right? So what's wrong with that? You need to look at the world easier! Optimism, Alice!

It takes another twenty minutes to wait for my turn. I go back to the piano and begin to sing the entire album "The Boy Who Knew Too Much", in order, non-stop. Other people come to me, listen a little bit, sometimes softly harmonizing to the song, and walk away. When I'm on "By The Time", a man comes out and calls my number.

I follow him. We walk through several corridors and stop at one of the doors. The man opens it and lets me in.

Then I walk alone - except for the operator. On my right, on the wall, are neon coaches' names - Florent, Jenifer, Garou, and MIKA - large white letters.

I come to a little red little room with lights like in Grace Kelly, scattered in random places. Curly girl with headphones is standing at the door. She looks at me and gives me a soothing smile.

- That woman before me - is she in Mika's team? - I ask her. She smiles again and shakes her head - can't say anything. Or it means she is not? I stop caring, as an awful thought hit me like a sledgehammer: I'll sing for Mika. Sing his own song. Sing for 8 million people. So many people will hear me singing, goddamit!

In the end, if I screw up, producers might cut me out the show. It's not live, so there is still a chance that it all goes unnoticed...

Another five minutes later, the girl mumbles something into her microphone, takes hold of the handle of the door, and I immediately jump up. She nods at me and opens the door.

I take a deep breath, exhale, straighten my back and enter.

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