7.4 - Finals. Winners, Part 4

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I don't get to find Wizard's number - before I can make a call, my phone vibrates with one of his own.

He sounds... I'm not sure if he sounds extremely nervous or overly excited.

- Get over here, now! - this is the greeting I get. I fight the urge to reply with a sassy comment, feeling he will ignore it or scold me for wasting his time. I still have to find out why is he so emotional:

- What's going on?

- Well...It's kind of silly, but... There's a chance you can perform with us tonight. With me, and with Mika, I mean.

That doesn't help. I request more information, and immediately. He insists I start moving, and he will explain me everything on the way.

- That's stupid, really, - he repeats while I make it outside, - We were rehearsing our coach-talent piece, if you remember I told you, it's Mylene Farmer's Desenchantee (I hold back an envious growl). Mika said you knew this song, and then he had this weird thing - I know you've seen that - when he comes up with a brilliant idea that he really wants to do. And he wants it right here and now.

He echoes my quiet giggle. I can easily imagine Mika now walking back and forth with impatience Gaspard described.

- So what do you want from me? I'm not allowed to perform on stage, I'm not a contestant anymore, - I ask then.

- What do you think? It's a piano piece, and a piece that you're for sure can play! So you'll play, and back us on the vocals, that's possible too. Well, you can't lead-sing with us, but you can be on stage, and you can sing, that's something, right? You'll have the time to rehearse just enough to get comfortable, and even more, if you hurry!

- Alright, I'm going! - apparently Mika's enthusiasm is contagious, and it's just as overwhelming in Gaspard's execution. I have one last question though, - Did you talk to the staff, for they know?
- Mika is negotiation it with Castel right now. I have high hopes that he'll agree. He's way too cool to refuse.

He meets me at the studio entrance. I expect him to drag me in with no formalities, but I'm wrong.
After a second of hesitating and swirling me with his eyes, he steps in with:
- One more thing before we go.
And puts me in an awkward, but sincerely welcome hug. My turn to hang in his arms like a doll.
- Don't get it wrong, ok. I've just realised that I missed you.
- I sure missed something like this too.
- Yeah. Sorry.
He pulls away as quick as he stepped in, and the next moment he's already taking me to the elevators, like I expected.
- The situation is, - he explains, - Technically, only staff are allowed on stage. While Castel would love to have you come with us, it's the first time he said he would get in trouble for that. Don't ask why, I don't understand it either. But that's his words.
- So what do we do?
- I... I have no idea. But you're already here, I guess we can try and figure things out.
It all happened so fast I didn't even have the time to think if I really want all this. Well, yeah, performing again with Mika is great, but... On the background, as some sort of a decoration?... And no one asked if I wanted it, they just assumed I would agree!
Gaspard somehow notices the change of my mood and slows down.
- What, did you change your mind?
- If only I had the time to make it up, - I shrug, and make him blush.
- Oh. We... Kind of thought that you would like it. I mean... Don't you miss it, the show?
Now that we pass the oh-so familiar black corridors of the studio, I have to admit the bittersweet claw of nostalgia gets a grip on my heart. Knowing that this place, the place where I was so happy, is no longer mine, brings me all the feeling I tried to push back and ignore as much as I could.
- I don't know, - I sigh. Maybe if I see Mika again, here, in his beautiful electric blue suit, I will be able to decide?
- Good to see you fully recovered and rested, - my ex-coach greets me with a big smile and a hug, - Studio sure got a bit more boring without you, Al.
- Yeah, so it decided not to let me go.
He chuckles with me.
- I hope it wasn't too sudden for you. I just thought that it might be our last chance to do something together, and I'd be damned if I didn't give it a try.
Holy hell, he does wear the suit he described. Blue looks amazing on him.
- It would be great to perfrom with you, - I say, - But...
- That's not exactly how you wanted it to be, is it, - he makes a guess. I nod, and look behind his shoulder, at the empty stage. He is right, actually, it's the last time we might even see each other. So many times I thought the same, and every time I was wrong. This can't go on forever, I'll have to run out of luck someday.
And it feels like that day has come. If I step down now, I might regret it all my life.
- Yeah, - I shrug, as Luck Castel approaches us, - But hey, I'm already here, and I'm not going anywhere. Let's see what we can do.
- Hello, Wonder, - the show producer greets me, - I heard about Mika's idea, and from what I know, there's only one way to make you to the stage for now. You sure you want this?
- Well, yeah.
- Then I welcome you to the staff, Mademoiselle Fontaine, - he smiles, and even shakes my hand, - Luck (not me, your actual luck) is on your side today, 'cause we happen to have a place for a guest musician. Producers thought it would be a great idea to return a talent from his team for one show, and of course, it should be someone who is still fresh in the audience's memory. We had a few candidates, but the coach and his finalist decided for themselves.
- Yeah, we should have called you sooner, but I remembered it myself just an hour ago, - Mika said, - So what do you say, you're in?
Perhaps I should get used to life making surprises no matter how I try to take control of it. Strange question, really, who would miss such a chance?
- Of course I'm in! - I reply.
- Great! Let's get to work, then!

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