2.2 - Battles. Rehearsals

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- I don't understand why you were so worried on Saturday, - Flori says, putting her feet over the panel with the red button. We're sitting in coaches' chairs, waiting for Garou. It's our last rehearsal.

- The coaching went just right, and you were on top yesterday, I'm telling you.

Mika was right about Garou, by the way. My fears were irrational and even stupid. At our coaching session Garou told us:

- You're the two musicians with a very specific style. You make every song sound yours, and I like it. And I want to use it in your performance.

He gave us freedom to play around with the song. So we did - we pretended to be enemies, and were playfully roaring at each other, while our coach helped us to find balance between comedy and over acting. It was fun, though, as Flori turned out to be a weird and outgoing person and we kind of spoke the same language, sometimes even confusing Garpu and his advisor. In fact, it was her who made me feel relaxed on session.

Garou and his advisor, Patrick Fiori (amazing, I know!) thankfully, was very sweet and patient as well, because I still were a "technical trouble", making M. Garand to facepalm, shake his head and spend extra time correcting me.

We were shooting for two hours or so, but it was enough to make Flo and I friends.

- Oh yeah, - I reply, rolling my eyes, and quote Garou, - "With growl like this you must have already lost your voice three or four times". I have a feeling he would have a bruise on his forehead from facepalms if he decided to stay me in his team.

- He's a coach, - Flori shrugs, - He must be ready for challenges if he decides to choose you.

- Well, yeah, but I still think he will choose you.

- Why are you so sure? - she asks, narrowing her eyes, - And why are you even relaxed like that? Something happened on Saturday, didn't it?

- No, nothing special, why would you think so? - I resist, knowing that I'm the lamest liar in the world. Thank God I don't blush, so Flori doesn't know that it was all about Mika.

- Oh , I see! - she exclaims, - It's about the Steals, isn't it? You think that Mika will steal you!

God dangit, my thoughts are like radio waves or something? But I must admit, I feel much more better now. I guess Mika managed somehow to find and pull my confidence trigger, because once I knew I had the plan B - which, at some point, was even better than the actual victory - I've stopped worrying. At least, now it doesn't carry me away and just keeps lingering harmlessly in the back of my mind.

- Yes, - I have to agree, - Well, at least Jenifer. She kinda shares interests with Mika.

- Let me kill you myself if Jenifer choose you tomorrow, - Flori suddenly replies grumpily.

- What?... W...why?

- Because she's a b-uh, I just hate her, okay?

- Why? - I insist, - What did she do to you?

Flo takes a breath to reply, but instead points at the stage - Garou arrived. We begin the rehearsal.

With a little help from choreographers, we came up with some tricks yesterday, like walking in circles, standing head to head, and Flo a little bit polished my growl, so we have things to show. M. Garand genuinely laughs when we perform.

- Girls, you're amazing, - he says after it's over, then comes up on stage, - Flori. Everything is good, but try to control your arms, okay? You spend too much energy on gesticulating and seems like you run out of breath quicker. And you, Alice...

He sighs.

- Still very, very raw, though it was much more better. You have to work on the lower parts. At It's quite a drop from the top so how you feeling down there, - he sings it, then slightly touches my belly, - You must feel it here, remember?

I nod.

- Let's do it again, then.

We sing it a few more times before Team Mika arrives.

- So why Jenifer is the world's evil? - I ask my partner on our way to bedrooms, - You have some personal resentment on her?

Flori takes some time to find words.

- Did you read the contract that they sent you after you passed the very first auditions? It says that producers may cut you off air whenever they want, - she replies, and continues, - I attended the Voice two years ago. I made it to Blind Auditions, and Jenifer and Bertignac pushed the button! But I was stupid to choose Jeni, because she kept collecting people even when her team was full. So the show ended up cutting off some contestants. I was among them.

Wow. Perhaps I was luckier than I thought.

- It could happen with anyone, am I right? - I ask.

- Well, yes, I heard at least 10 contestants were eliminated after they passed to the Battles, - she shrugs.

- So it's a common thing on TV, right?

- Yes, but you know what? Music is my everything. I had nowhere else to go. And when I already started thinking about a brighter future, that bi- uh... yes, bitch - she cut me down! She preferred someone else to me! I will never forgive her for this.

- And now you have a good chance to take revenge.

- Oh, yeah, I have! And I will be Garou's second winner, - she looks at me, - Sorry.

- I don't mind. You deserve it more than me.

We spend the rest of the day practicing and end it with a quick recording of the Showcase.

- Ready? - I look back at Flori, who's sitting of the couch behind me and the electric piano, then place a camera on the right place and start recording.

- Benjamin Clementine, I Won't Comlpain, - Flo announces, as I take my place.

I play the piano intro and begin singing:

It's a wonderful life, its a wonderful life

Traversed in tears from the heavens

My heart is a mellow drum, a mellow drum, in fact

Set alight by echoes of pain 24-7, 24-7

When Flori sings, I can't help enjoying it. She is amazing:

I dream, I smile, I walk, I cry

I dream, I smile, I walk, I cry

I hear her humming along, as I go on with the chorus:

You might not say that it's a wonderful world   

And it's a wonderful life

And it's a wonderful day

Just as yesterday

I look back at her again, and we finish together, harmonizing:

But I won't complain!

No, I won't complain

I play a short piano solo, then it comes her turn. But she misses the rhythm, and makes me wonder if I play something wrong:

My mind is..... Damn it!

She drops down on the couch and covers her face with her hands, and I realize that she's skipped a whole part of the chorus. Again.

- I can't do it! -  she exclaims, - I just can't control what goes in my head when I'm too nervous.

And clearly can see that Flori is getting more and more worried, as the shooting is coming closer.

- I'm afraid I will forget the words, - she says, - It always happens, I can't do anything.

- I think it's going to be fine, - I say, trying to calm her down, - You will be too concentrated for it. Or, at least, it's good that other coaches don't know our piece, if we have to improvise.

Although I know that my karma is a very tricky thing and anything can happen tomorrow.

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