1.4 - Blind Auditions. Judges

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...And meet with the gaze of light-blue eyes. Garou. Garou have chosen me.

For a moment I freeze, just staring at him. I am on The Voice, but not in Mika's team.

I haven't even thought of this scenario, too scared by the idea of not being chosen by Mika. Really, really foolish of me.

What do I do now?

Pierre Garand waves his hand, trying to put me out of my stun, and points to the center of the stage. Yeah, right. I hastily grab the microphone and come out of the piano, as other coaches turn to me. Florent Pagny looks at me from head to toe, then at Mika, who is frozen in his chair, covering his eyes from me with hands, and seems to point out the similarity to Jenifer. Well... I can't get more obvious now, can I?

- Bonsoir, young lady, - Jenifer calls in a singsong, - What is your name?

I say my name to them, but they don't hear me. I have to repeat, as I feel the burning redness spreading down my cheeks:

- I'm Alice, - and, for some reason, add awkwardly: - Like "Alice in Wonderland".

Well here comes the social anxiety. It's only gonna get worse from now.

- Phew, Alice, Wonder-Alice, - Jenifer says, - You shocked me. You see, I'm shaking. Did you feel it too?

She looks at her colleagues, and Garou and Florent nod.

- It was very, very emotional. Of course, technically, you have much to learn, but I believe this wonderful coach, - she points at Garou, - Will bring you to perfection. You sing magnificent and I'm glad you're on The Voice. Bravo.

It feels differently when you see it on TV. You're like "meh, this girl/boy is good, it's obvious". But when you hear it yourself and you know they're talking about you, well... It's like they're revealing something you knew, but refuse to believe and are even afraid to believe. The truth that somehow makes you feel extremely vulnerable. Goddamit, here come the tears. Don't cry, Alice, pull yourself together. I can only mumble "Thank you", as the applause subsides.

- How long have you been singing? - asks Florent.

- For 7 years, I think, - I reply, and quietly add, - Mostly by myself, with video tutorials.

Pagny nods significantly, someone in the audience makes a surprised "Oh!" and they burst into a new round of applause. What's going on? Did I say something wrong? I realise that I'm tensed and pressing the microphone to my chest and try to relax. It doesn't work.

Mika saves me, as he finally takes his hand away and looks attentively at me. Is he frustrated, bored? No, he's actually pretty interested. I see that spark of child's curiosity in his eyes. He sees me, he likes me. I sigh in relief. I feel better now.

- It's quite obvious that you didn't have a teacher, - Florent continues, - But to be honest, I'm impressed too. You may not be the voice that Jenifer or I are looking for, but it's interesting and memorable, and I can easily imagine that I hear it on the radio someday.

This time I remember to gratefully nod, as Mika is trying to find the words.

- This decision was difficult for me, - he says and leans forward, - Don't get me wrong, you're an amazing singer with an enormous potential. You see, you're like a diamond in the rough - very precious, almost unique, but if you want to be a real gemstone, you must put a lot, - he makes an accent on this word, - Lot of effort. Singers like you are often very hard or even impossible to teach. I don't know if I can handle you, so for the first time I have to retreat. Maybe I'm just not the coach you need. That's why I haven't chosen you.

Well, at least, it was honest. My inner fatalist screams in triumph. Pas Voice, my friends, Justine will say tomorrow.

However, Mika is not finished.

- But you now what, - he says with a smile that melts my heart, - You managed to make your own song out of mine. You put so much emotions in it that I couldn't even imagine. I was truly honoured to hear such an amazing interpretation of my song from you, because you're a real artist, and for me, it's clear - you've got a bright future.

- Agree, - Garou adds, - It was an outstanding performance. Very sensual, even intimate. And I was hoping till the end that Mika will still press the button, because he was sitting like this throughout the song-

The Canadian raises one hand over the red button and covers his face with the other. Mika giggles.

- I was truly hoping, - Pierre Garand goes on, - Yes, you have so much more to learn, but you deserve this chance. Let's see if I can handle you!

With a round of applause frin the audience, Garou stands up. He walks along the white glowing path and gives me a hug. It's too quick and a little awkward, but he doesn't pay attention to it and leads me down to the chairs, holding my shoulder.

Mika stands up too and embraces me. This hug is longer and better. And oh my god, it's amazing.

He's so warm, so kindly, cozily warm, with that kind of warmth that makes you think of a fireplace at home in the winter day. It's like hugging the sun. I feel his hot palms on my shoulder blades, they almost burn my back. What a strange sensation.

- Thank you, - he whispers in my ear before letting me go.

I wave to the cheering crowd for the last time and leave the hall.

I walk through a red corridor, give my microphone away and hear Nikos, as he opens the glass door:

- Mademoiselle Alice!

I finally see Justine and Andrea, who immediately hug me from both sides. For a moment I'm afraid that they can erase Mika's touch from my back, but no, it still burns as if I have wings now.

- Well, how does it feel? - Nikos asks. I show him my shaking hands as an answer, and he laughs.

- Nervous, - I add, - Nervous but amazing.

Stress is gone, it's replaced by the pure rapture. Seems like I will die of happiness, like this happiness will overfill me and I will explode. My friends hold me closer, and I gratefully lean to Justine's shoulder.

- It was quite unexpected, to be honest, - I say, as Nikos is clearly waiting for further commentaries from me, - But I'm glad that Garou has decided to take a chance on me. Hope I won't disappoint him.

- See you at the Battles, then, - the host concludes and I shake his hand, - Welcome to The Voice.

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