4.8 - Live 1. Voting

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Emily's song is the one I can't remember, though I swear I heard it before. Gaspard, who joins me after he's done, says it's by someone named Savage Garden.

- I'm not sure if it's really well-known piece, - he repeats my thoughts, - Not a very good choice, comparing to Sia and Maitre.

Have to agree, although Emily performs like a true professional - not a single mistake, not a note off tune, and you can't say that she's not in very high spirits now. Singers like her are the ones for whom this show is made in the first place - unrecognized professionals.

- You think she will be eliminated? - I ask Wizard. He gives me a severe glance:

- I'm sure. You had a standing ovation, I'm a guy and I had a well-known pop song. She's in minority.

Well, that was... Cruel.

Gaspard probably sees that I frown and sighs:

- What? It's the Lives, there're the best of the best?

- Do you really think we're the best?

- Do you think Mika gets too personal? - Wizard asks back, hitting the sensitive spot again. That's what worried about the most - what if I'm overrated and it's just Mika being subjective?

I don't reply and just get back to watching Emily.

I hear Florent saying something about her technique, she listens carefully, without a single hint of a smile.

- She'll be picked up right after the show, - Flori says, joining us, - She's too good to be forgotten like this. In the end, it's her 3th attempt on TV, someone must have noticed her.

Soothed me a bit. Although why do I worry about her? She's a nice girl, but we're not even close to being friends! Well, we could be, but, y'know...

- Hi, you wonderful! - Flori distracts me again, pulling into a hug, - Now tell me why the hell we haven't talked even once since the Battles?

- Yeah, that's messed up, - I let her fully take my attention, - We should fix it as soon as possible! Tomorrow, for instance.

- Nah, tomorrow Mika is shooting a music video, they say, - Flo replies, - And it seems like he's grabbing all the talents as extras.

How comes all the people know everything and I'm out of touch?

- Yeah? - I ask, - How did you...

- Hey, - Gaspard calls me, and nods at the stage. Team performance time, right.

- Can you walk? - he offers me a hand again and we slowly, carefully descend to the stage. I'll just pray the injury won't mess up everything more than it did.

So, here we go, our team performance. It wins the audience some more time to vote, as well as demonstrates our ability to cooperate.

Mika joins us, as we take place on the platforms. He takes a second to ask me if I'm ok.

- Was it obvious? - I ask him back, - That it was an accident?

- Not at all, - he replies, - If I didn't know that it was a problem before, I wouldn't notice anything.


- Five seconds, - we hear again from the staff, and, squeezing my shoulder at last, Mika hastily leaves me to his spot.

And guess with who I'm standing now.

Emily gives me another look, shrugs and straightens her back. The song begins.

So, it's Résiste. Reminds me of my first years in France, the happiest ones...

First verse is for Gaspard and Amelie. The brunette starts:

Si on t'organise une vie bien dirigée

Où tu t'oublieras vite...

I hear Wizard singing along and have to admit that his voice is stronger than I thought. Where were my ears before, he sounds like freakin Brendon Urie! If we end up in semi-final together, pretty sure he'll crush me (well, unless something extraordinary happens, considering my karma). I'm not pessimistic, it's just what it is : He. Is. Awesome.

Have I begun thinking about him more than before?

...Resiste! - he repeats with Emily, ending their part.

Second verse belongs to Mika and me.

I begin:

Tant de libertés pour si peu de bonheur

Est-ce que ça vaut la peine...

J'adorrrrrre this song. I let myself unleash a little bit of sassiness, and I dance, sing with Mika (first time we sing together, right?), then - with Emily, then - with Gaspard. And only after the song ends, I realise why I'm so relaxed - I'm sure I'll stay on the show this night, I just know it. And this confidence doesn't leave me when Nikos receives the red envelope, and even after he announces the name - "Gaspard" and I'm left with Emily on the stage.

- This choice is hard, as it always is when I have to pick from the best. You are surely the best, I see it in the way you behave on stage, the way you conduct emotions through your voice, the way you deal with difficulties and get used to being out of your comfort zone... - Mika says, and every word of him is like a hit of the hammer to the nail. I'm going stay.

- ...You two are incredibly talented, but today I decide to work more with... Alice, - he finally says.

- I knew it, - Emily says out loud, knowing that she's muted by the audience, yet turns to give me the traditional leaving embrace. And just for a minute, we're friends again.

- I'm sorry, - I tell her backstage, just like I did to Janine.

- Nah, it's like no one stole my place before, - she replies, and shrugs, - Audience loves "diamonds in the rough", producers do too. They're commercially good. Mika knows he'll win with you, and he'll keep you as long as you're popular.

Another thought that I don't like thinking. Dang it. Seeing that her words hit the right spot, Amelie taps my shoulder and makes another sad smile, now addressed to me:

- Just don't confuse personal and business stuff, you Wonder-Alice, k? Call me when you get out of this madness!

She leaves just before La Suite, and I sincerely wish her luck, wherever she goes and whatever great plans she has in her mind.

Her words leave me a bit confused and worried.

Yet this night I sleep like a baby.

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